candy is good who wouldn't like them i like candy choclate is good to but don't eat to much might give you a cavity like i do but i wont tell my mom that
Candy tastes good because it is made of sugar, which is a substance the body needs to function, and therefore it causes cravings.
b CuZ i SaId So
You Don't. Eat it. Yum, they taste so good.
Fat makes the cake moist and taste good.
it would not taste good
If you don't, your cake will not taste very good.
consistancy of the cake, taste, colour,
what do you think, heck nooo!
A good cake must be presentable to the eyes ,and smell and taste good.
I guess it tastes good I only got a sliver =(
Hey, Obviously it sweetens the cake and will make it taste a whole lot better!! Without the sugar the cake would be absolutely tasteless and bland! I always use sugar in baking! x
the sugar is added to cakes to make it taste sweeter and let other things in cake feed on it.
Depends on what your eating, most of cake is real fattening though.
In a cake, butter acts to enhance flavor to make it taste good, provide moisture, and act as a minor binding agent to help hold the cake together so that it does not fall apart after baking.