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Fire is a combust form of an inflammable gas. Since hot air or gas is lighter than the colder air in the surrounding, the gas rises above, making fire burn upright, and not upside down.

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Q: Why does Fire always burn Upright instead of Upside down?
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Where to use upright sprinkler and pendent sprinkler?

: The difference between an upright head and a pendent head is, an upright sprinkler is designed to be installed upright in the branchline piping of a sprinkler system. The pendent is designed to be in the pendent or 6 o clock position, with the deflector facing downward. It is important that you always install sprinklers in accordance with their designed listing; you cannot install an upright sprinkler in the pendent position, for example. you can usually find this information with the data sheet supplied with the sprinkler. If in doubt, contact the sprinkler manufacturer. Sprinkler installation is regulated by National Fire Protection Association or NFPA for short, document number 13.. This standard gives the codes for proper location, selection, and installation of fire sprinklers.

Do fire extinguishers have to be fitted upright?

No, the fire extinguisher in our truck was mound sideways. The one in my kitchen lays down to and it is a full size industrial extinguisher.

Why fire burns in upward direction?

Fire burns upward. So if you are standing upright or running, you may fan the flames with air and the fire will spread to your face. Good luck preventing it!

Why fire burns in the upward direction?

Fire burns upwards due to the process of convection. As the air around the fire heats up, it becomes less dense and rises. This creates a flow of air that draws more oxygen into the fire, allowing it to burn more vigorously and continue to rise.

When is upright sprinkler are required?

When the fire protection is required above false ceiling to protect cables or combustable materials.

Which is the best Pokemon to start with?

Fire always turns out to be strongest. Fire always turns out to be strongest.

How do you beat fire sensei?

use always fire