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Q: Why do your pumpkin and zucchini plants have more female flowers which also mature faster than male flowers?
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What relationship do zucchini flowers have to the vegetable that we eat?

If the flower is not picked from the plant, the zucchini grows from the center of the flower if it is a female flower that has been pollinated. If it is a male flower, it provides pollen for the insects to fertilize the female flowers with. The flowers wither and die quickly, within a day.

How are male and female pumpkin flowers different?

The pumpkin flower has both male and female parts...this is called monoecious (one house). Other plants have separate male and female plants dioecious (two houses).

How do you fix pumpkin flowers?

Many people take the male flowers and dip them in batter and deep fry them. Some people also use the female flowers, but this will prevent the vine from bearing pumpkins.

Why doesn't my zucchini plant grow zucchinis?

To grow zuchinis, your plant must first have male and female flowers, then the female flowers must get pollinated by the male flowers and then the baby zuchinis should start to grow. your plants are @#$%ed up or you bought the wrong plants in case you bought the right plants.... there are some natural resources your plant needs. you can take a look at the article i added in the "related links" section. I'm sure you will know how to make zucchini grow from your plant after reading this.

Is a pumpkin vine a flowering or non-flowering plant?

Yes, like all types of squash, pumpkins do flower. Each plant has male and female flowers. The male flowers grow on long, thin stalks, while the stalk end of the female flower eventually becomes the fruit. For a while, each pumpkin will still have a flower attached to its base. As the fruit matures, the flower will dry up and fall off.

What plant does a pumpkin seed come from?

A pumpkin seed comes from the fruit of the pumpkin plant, which is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family. The pumpkin plant produces large, yellow flowers that develop into pumpkins with edible seeds inside.

Botany of a zucchini?

Cucurbita pepo Origin Italy, 19th century (?)Zucchini (pronounced /zuːˈkiːni/ in North American and Australian English) or courgette (/kʊǝrˈʒɛt/ or [kɔːˈʒɛt] in New Zealand, South African, and British English or French) is a small summer squash. Along with some other squashes, it belongs to the species Cucurbita pepo. The zucchini can be yellow, green or light green, and generally has a similar shape to a ridged cucumber, though a few cultivars are available that produce round or bottle-shaped fruit.In a culinary context, zucchini is treated as a vegetable, which means it is usually cooked and presented as a savory dish or accompaniment. Botanically, however, the zucchini is an immature fruit, being the swollen ovary of the female zucchini flower.Contents[hide] 1 Flower2 History and etymology3 Cooking4 Nutrition5 Cultivation6 References// [edit] FlowerFlower of ZucchiniInside a Zucchini flower New Zucchini FruitThe female flower is a golden blossom on the end of each emergent zucchini. The male flower grows directly on the stem of the zucchini plant in the leaf axils (where leaf petiole meets stem), on a long stalk, and is slightly smaller than the female. Both flowers are edible, and are often used to dress a meal or garnish the cooked fruit.Firm and fresh blossoms that are only slightly open are cooked to be eaten, with pistils removed from female flowers, and stamens removed from male flowers. The stem on the flowers can be retained as a

Why are bees instead of native insects recommended for pollinating pumpkin flowers?

Insect pollination requirements, short and specific open-and-shut times, staggered female and male floral openings, and stickily thick pollen are the special features of pumpkin flowers that welcome use of non-native pollinating bees over native insects. Pumpkin fruits set only through insect pollination even though one plant contains both female and male flowers. Bumblebees, whose buzz vibration moves pollen grains from where they need to be, and squash bees have hairy, large bodies to which pollen easily sticks, and start their day early, in sync with the dawn open and pre-noon close of pumpkin flowers.

Is zucini a fruit?

I think you mean Zucchini. In a culinary context, Zucchini is treated as a vegetable. Botanically, it is an immature fruit, being the swollen ovary of the female Zucchini flower

Is a zecini a veggie?

I think you mean Zucchini, which for culinary purposes is a vegetable, but it is an immature fruit being the swollen ovary of the female Zucchini flower

African violets are male or female flowers?

African violets are male and female flowers. They have pistils (the female part) and stamen (the male part)

Flower is a male or female?

Flowers can be male, female, or both depending on the plant species. Male flowers produce pollen for fertilization, while female flowers contain the ovules that, when fertilized, develop into seeds. Some plants have flowers that contain both male and female reproductive parts.