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After the baby hamster is old enough, it no longer needs its mother and starts to become an adult hamster of its own. The hamster needs to be separated to avoid fighting or mating with its mother, or even its father if he resides in the cage still, depending on the sex of the baby hamster.

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Q: Why do you separate the baby hamster at 3 weeks old?
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How can you save baby hamsters?

don't touch them until they become 2 to 3 weeks old .. separate the father hamster from the mother hamster and the babies .

What will happen if you do not put the baby hamster together with adult hamster?

If you touch the baby hamster, your scent will get on it and the mother will not reconized it. If you separate a hamster before it is three weeks old, then it can die. It needs it's mother for... Other purposes that it cannot give itself

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When can you pickup a new baby hamster?

At around two weeks old.

When does a baby hamster start eating food?

Baby hamsters feed from their mother until they are 26 days old. It is recommended to separate the male and female hamsters afterwards to prevent fighting.

How old do the baby hamster need to be in oder to clean it with the mom in it?

at least 2 weeks old.

What if the hamster baby eyes are open and they are walking outside the nest how old are they?

4 weeks old

When can you take a baby hamster of its mom for a short period of time?

You may not take baby hamster from their mother until they are at least two weeks old!

How old does a baby dwarf hamster half to be to pick them up?

It has to be about 3-4 weeks old, then you can hold them.

When can you start training your new born baby hamster?

u can start training ur baby hamster wen they r about 7-9 weeks old

How long before you can give a baby dwarf hamster away?

You can touch them when they are firstborn but their mom must be at a food break. (Not recommended for those with no experience) However, you may hold them when they are two weeks old.

How old do baby hamsters have to be before you can pick them up?

A hamster can be picked up after it has left drinking from its mother at three weeks old.