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It could be for a couple reasons:

The coffee filter being used is the incorrect size for your coffee maker.

The ground coffee could be too fine for your filter or type of coffee maker

Could have too much ground coffee in the filter

The ground coffee wasn't leveled off in the filter

May need to check if coffee grounds is in coffee maker

Most times its a simple fix. Pay attention to your filter and how you put in the coffee grinds.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Probably no worse than drinking the coffee is

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11y ago

No! never eat coffee grounds! they have extremely high caffeine. it might choke you! so until this point on, never eat coffee grounds.

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Are coffee grounds good for dog wood trees?

Used coffee grounds are a great soil amendment. High in acid they are fine for dogwood trees. Most insects do not like coffee grounds and will avoid them, so spreading coffee grounds around a dogwood will also help rid you plant of over wintering leaf eating insects.

Is cat feces coffee grounds?

Coffee grounds is ground coffee.

What are coffee grounds made from?

Coffee grounds are made by grinding up coffee with a coffee grinder.

Are coffee grounds harmful to people?

Coffee grounds are not harmful to people.

Does eating coffee grounds help stay awake?

Coffee grounds would have caffeine, but why would you want to eat them?! Just drink a cup of coffee!

1.75 oz of coffee grounds will make how much cofffee?

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Has my cat gotten into any trouble after eating used coffee grounds?

Yes, consuming used coffee grounds can be harmful to cats as they contain caffeine, which is toxic to them. If your cat has eaten used coffee grounds, it is important to monitor them for symptoms of caffeine poisoning such as restlessness, rapid heart rate, and vomiting. It is recommended to contact your veterinarian immediately for further guidance and treatment.

Do used coffee grounds repel bears?

Coffee grounds can repel deer, but they do not work on bears.

Should coffee grounds be removed after after percing coffee?

No never leave grounds in the thing you use

Has my cat eaten coffee grounds?

If you suspect your cat has eaten coffee grounds, it is important to contact your veterinarian immediately. Coffee grounds can be toxic to cats and may cause serious health issues.

How to stop eating whatever you crave?

You can stop eating whatever thin you crave by avoiding eating between meals, and instead restricting yourself to the 3-meal standard schedule.

Are coffee grounds alive?

No, they are not.