The female can only produce 1 egg at a time
no they produce 1 egg every 25hr,
one sperm is needed because only one sperm will be accepted by the egg and form a child
Women only produce colostrum, not milk, until they give birth. Most women can produce colostrum it by the time they are halfway through the pregnancy -- one month in is a little early. The most important factor to consider is whether the woman is interested in doing this.
It depends on the breed. some lay an egg a day, whilethe ones i keep only lay 2-1 eggs a week.
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1 day. I guess
Platypuses and echidnas are the only mammals that lay eggs. These mammals belong to the group of mammals known as monotremes. Platypuses and echidnas lay eggs just once a year. The platypus lays 1-2 eggs, while the echidna lays a single egg each year.
It takes 12 eggs to make a dozen. If 1.5 chickens produce 1.5 eggs, then 1 chicken produces 1 egg, and it takes 12 chickens to produce 1 dozen eggs.
It won't take any amount of steps in order to create an Egg when Riolu is at the Daycare if you're trying to produce a Egg because if Riolu is 1 of the parents then you can't produce an Egg. Riolu is considered a Baby Pokémon and baby Pokémon cannot breed.
A typical female bird will lay multiple clutches of eggs per breeding season, with the number of eggs per clutch varying among species. Over her lifetime, a wild bird may produce hundreds to thousands of eggs depending on the species and environmental conditions.
No. Only about 1% of thunderstorms produce tornadoes.