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Yes, if they are cold water fish and they are in there for a long time. Tropical fish could stand the water a bit hotter. But not too hot. Though i would'nt try it.

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Q: Why do the fish in an aquarium die when the temperature of the aquarium is raised?
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it is probably because of the temperature change

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What temperature should water be in a fish tank be will they die if it is only 70 degrees?

The water temperature varies with the type of fish, but normally it should be about 75 degrees. Most aquarium heaters do a good job of keeping the temperature at this point. If your fish get sick you may want to raise the temperature to about 82 degrees.

Can your fish die in happy aquarium?

Yes, your fish will get sick and then die. maybe you can try this site, info grab from here

At what temperature do fish in Minnesota die?

Fish in Minnesota are no different from fish anywhere else, and temperature is temperature wherever you are. Different species of fish will die at different temperatures no matter where they are.

Happy aquarium how long before the fish die if unfed?

they never ever ever ever die

Can you put a fish you caught in the sea in your house aquarium filled with fresh water?

In most cases, no. The fish will die.

What to put fish in if don't have an aquarium?

A fish bowl. Or even a bathtub... any thing that holds water. But it's est to have a aquarium with a filter and one of those heaters. Otherwise, your fish might die pretty quickly.

Will tropical fish die if you put them in cold water?

Yes they will die because tropical fish are kept in an aquarium with heat control for the temperature of the water, they will not survive in cold water. Put a tropical fish in cold water it's metabolism will slow down to the point its body no longer works, it won't be able to digest food, will become very lethargic, and die.

What happens if you put an fish aquarium in a dark place for 7 days?

the living things will die

What do you think would happen to the fish in an aquarium that did not have bacteria to eat the ammonia?

It would die. The ammonia would kill the fish if amounts were elevated.

Do you have to use a filter in an aquarium?

yes beacuse the fish will die if u dont common sence buddy