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Access to markets. Your welcome and I think I'm a bit too late.

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Kamryn Schmidt

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Q: Why do the Great Lake states produce fruits and vegetables?
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What is a safe and successful diet for a women in her 40's to go on?

Fruits and vegetables are great ideas for a woman going into her forties. Fruits and vegetables are great things for anyone to eat since they contain nutrients for the body.

What is a list of foods to keep us healthy?

All fruits and vegetables! are great!!!!!

What's the best multivitamin to buy for someone who smokes cigarettes and doesn't eat a lot of fruits or vegetables?

There is a really good product called Voots. They are chewable fruits and vegetables in a tablet. My kids and I love them. They taste great also.

Is fiber in grains vegetables and fruits?

No they have their own section of the food pyramid.

What kind of vegetables cockatoos eat?

Yes!! They need to to stay completely healthy. :) For example, imagine a kid o never ate any fruits and vegetables. He would survive, but not feel great. You should give your cockatiel fresh fruits and vegetables twice a day at least.

Will eating fruits and vegetables cause weight loss?

Fruits and Vegetables are a great healthy choice when trying to lose weight. Fruits and vegetables are a low calorie food that are generally packed with nutritional value. There are some vegetables like celery that are so low in calories that you end up burning more calories eating it than you consume. You also need to be careful that you are eating fruits and vegetables that offer some substance so you are not hungry later. Iceberg lettuce is mainly water and will does not provice much nutritional value or fill you up. Carrots, bananas, and apples are all good choices.

How did the Great Plains gather their food?

They gathered food by hunting animals and picking vegetables and fruits. They took what they got back to their village and shared it with the villagers.

How to Truly Refrigerate Fruits & Vegetables?

Anybody who is interested in maintaining a healthy lifestyle knows about the one true staple of their diet, and that stable consists of both fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables have been known to help with memory stimulation, they are known for their low cost, and they are known to not only be a great source of fiber, but they ultimately make you feel better physically because your body enjoys fruits and vegetables. You must store your fruits and vegetables in the correct way so that you will only ever get the best effect out of them. However, contrary to popular belief, you cannot simply just throw your fruits and vegetables into the refrigerator in order to keep them as safe as they can be. There are certain methods you must perform to ensure that your fruits and vegetables always remain fresh, which means that they will end up lasting much longer.Go out to your local supermarket and buy yourself some of the little plastic bags that have a zipper to close them. The medium sized kind should work the best for you.Get a small nail, or a pin, and poke out some holes all over the bag. If you get a medium sized zipper bag, you will probably need about twenty holes scattered around it.Never store both your fruits and vegetables together in the same place. Your refrigerator will probably have two separate drawers for it, so make use of both of them. Fruit is known to produce something called ethylene, which vegetables do not like to have around, which makes them die and rot more rapidly. Make sure you have a bag for every kind of fruit and vegetable.Put your fruits in separate bags into one drawer and take the vegetables in separate bags into the other drawer, so that your vegetables stay fresh.If you want to use the fruits and vegetables and make the best out of both of them, ensuring you get the best taste and the peak amount of freshness, you will want to make use of them or eat then within three to five days after storing them in the refrigerator.

What are important things to remember when planning a meal?

A few important things to remember is to make sure is that you have a lot of protein vegetables and fruits to get your day started. Without enough fruits and vegetables, your body may not be energized for the whole day. Make sure what you eat is not too fattening. Enjoy and make sure to have a great day!!

What do vegetarians need to do to get enough minerals?

Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds; and if necessary, take a multimineral supplement. Seaweed, sesame, sea salt and tofu are great sources of minerals; as are beans. oatmeal, spinach and raisins. Green leafy vegetables are great sources of calcium and magnesium.

What foods are for an ADHD diet?

A great website for this is Some foods they list for the diet is lots of fruits and vegetables and grains with no added sugar.

What vegetables should you have to eat healthily?

Eat a great variety of vegetables to keep healthy. All vegetables have good fiber. Carrots have vitamin A. Broccoli and kale have many antioxidants.