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yes the sugar in soda is a MAJOR cause of tooth decay

But its indirect. Sugar itself does not harm tooth enamel. But sugar, in any food, feeds bacteria that live in your mouth. These bacteria multiply rapidly and they then secrete acids that dissolve tooth enamel. Good dental hygiene will kill most of the bacteria. Just cutting out sugar in sodas will not stop tooth decay as natural sugars are found in most foods.

the other reason that tooth decay is caused by soda is the acidity. it is so acidic it can literally eat away at your teeth. people who drink 3 or more sugary sodas daily have 62% more tooth decay than people who dont.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Hi there!

The problem is not what we eat- it's what we do after we eat.

Tooth decay is caused by the 'demineralization' of our tooth enamel. Demineralization is the removal of: yes, minerals such as calcium- mainly because of acid.

But how does the acid get there?

We have bacteria living in our mouths- and these organisms feed off sugars. Once bacteria have feasted on sugary meals, they make acid as a by-product.

If the acid is left in our mouths long enough, we will have tooth decay. However, this is easily prevented by brushing our teeth often- even better if brushed after every meal. Hope this helps!

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βˆ™ 14y ago

it eats threw the teeth

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Prevent tooth decay?

Stay away from foods containing sugar. Sugar is the cause of tooth decay. Try to eat sweets that are sweetened with sugar alcohol which does not cause tooth decay. If sugar can not be avoided then brush after eating sugary foods. Also floridated water helps combat tooth decay.

What are Two ways of preventing tooth decay?

* Do not eat sugary foods/drinks * Clean your teeth two times a day

Is candy the only reason we get cavities?

No - any food can contribute to tooth decay. It's just that the bacteria that causes cavities feeds on sugars - so - the more sweets and sugary foods we eat, the more chance we have of developing cavities. It's poor oral hygien more than the type of foods we eat that's more responsible for tooth decay.

What Prevents of tooth decay?

Brush your teeth well, flossing, using mouth wash and staying away from really sugary foods.

Would teeth decay before bones?

yes because if you have tooth decay it is isn't in the bone is out side it because if u eat sweets or sugary foods your teeth is of and it goes rotten

What are two ways of preventing decay?

tooth decay? in tht case, dont eat sugary foods or drinks, brush at least twice a day ( or four if you have braces) normal decay? freezing, some salts

Is tooth decay caused by a virus or bacteria?

Tooth decay caused by bacteria. It begins when bacteria in your mouth make acids that attack the tooth's surface.

Why are people with diabetes encouraged to avoid too many sugary foods?

dentists tell us not to eat sugary foods so that are teeth dont fall out and so that the sugary foods dont form plaque and decay are teeth. Sincerly TC123321

What is the problem of soda and bubblegum?

Soda contains high levels of sugar and acids that can lead to tooth decay and cavities. Bubblegum is sugary and sticky, which can also contribute to tooth decay. Additionally, both soda and bubblegum can be harmful to overall dental health if consumed in excess.

What is Tooth decay?

Tooth decay is permanently damaged areas in teeth that develop into tiny holes. It causes include bacteria, snacking, sipping sugary drinks, and poor teeth cleaning.

What is plaque and how does it contribute on tooth decay?

your mom fat bith!

What health problems are caused by consuming excessive sugary drinks?

Weight-gain from "empty" calories, and tooth decay.