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Horseshoe crab blood is blue because it has copper in it instead of iron like human blood. Our blood is blue inside and turns red when it hits air. Horseshoe crab blood is red inside and turns blue when it hits air. It's the other way around.

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15y ago

The color of the fluid in the circulatory system of horseshoe crab is gray-white to pale yellow because the fluid carries little oxygen. The compound in the circulatory fluid of horse shoe crab that binds oxygen is comprised mainly of protein and copper, in contrast to iron protein complex in the hemoglobin in human red blood cells. When a horse shoe crab bleeds, the copper protein (hemocyanin) absorbs oxygen from the air, turning the circulatory fluid in the horse crab dark blue.

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16y ago

the copper in their blood causes the blood to have a bluish tint.

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Are horseshoe crabs a problem?

no! horseshoe crabs have blue blood wich helps people. horseshoe crabs are colected then blood is taken from them then returned to the water.

What color is a horse shoe crabs blood?

Horseshoe crab's blood is blue.

Do blue crabs have blood?

Yes. All crabs have blue blood, not just the species known as the blue crab. The reason for the blue blood is that crabs do not have haemoglobin, which is found in the blood of vertebrates, and which is red due to the iron molecule in the centre of the protein. Instead, crabs have a protein called hemocyanin, which contains a copper molecule. This is particularly pronounced in the horseshoe crab, the blood of which is a stronger blue than other species.

Why some anymal has blue blood?

Some animals (like horseshoe crabs) have blue blood because they use hemocyanin carry oxygen to their tissues instead hemoglobin like we do. The copper in the hemocyanin makes their blood appear blue.

Do horseshoe crabs swim?

No horseshoe crabs don't swim they crawl in the water.

How are horseshoe crabs blood used?

It is used for treating diseases like cancer.

Where are horseshoe crabs born?

Horseshoe crabs are born (hatch) in the ocean.

Do any animals in your planet have a different blood colour?

yes,one type of lizards blood is green and a cochroaches blood is white!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANSWER a horseshoe crabs blood is blue, because they have copper in their blood instead of iron, which is what makes it red. f4

Are horseshoe crabs related to regular crabs?

no//////////////////horseshoe crabs are related to spiders and scorpions.. WEIRD RIGHT!!

What problems do horseshoe crabs have?

their horseshoe crabs so everyone makes fun of them

But do penguins have blue blood?

No, penguins do not have blue blood. Penguins, like other birds, have red blood due to the presence of hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in their bloodstream. Blue blood is found in animals like horseshoe crabs and some mollusks due to a different type of oxygen-carrying molecule called hemocyanin.

What animal has blood color Blue?

All mammals have bluish blood until it is oxygenated. That's one reason why veins appear blue.