nope oranges are not good for dogs
Wrong. Jews don't hate dogs.
Yes, dogs can eat oranges in moderation. Oranges are a good source of vitamins and fiber for dogs, but they should be given in small amounts to prevent digestive issues. Remove any seeds and peel before offering oranges to your dog.
Dogs hate cats because cats are stupid.
Most seem to hate the smell of mint and citrus like oranges. They also seem to hate nail polish and nail polish remover.Hope that helped! :)Cats do not like the smell of citrus fruits; oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, etc..
they don't if they hate you it means you are mean to them or you just picked the wrong dog
no their not mine died
They hate the lemon smell and most dogs hate chocolate smell but it depends on what type of dog you have
Other dogs butts
i hate oranges