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They basically pry open clams because they eat them. They eat muscles, clams, slow fish, etc. They are also actually called Sea Stars since they are not fish and do not have a spine, that category is called invertebrates, Organisms with spines and called vertebrates, which is what we are.

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12y ago
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16y ago

Clams need water to live and to keep their insides away fron dirt and when taken out they close up to prevent damage to their insides

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12y ago

because they r scared or froghtened of another critter

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8y ago

To protect itself, and to trap seawater inside and avoid drying out.

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Q: Why do clams close their shell when removed from its watery environment?
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Can clams bite?

clams will not bite, but they may close up on you. So dont put your fingers in them. I own clams and they can close very quickly if something (E.G: fish) brushes past them. the same applies with your hand.

How do clams react to predators?

close up their shell

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Mostly cattails need an open area close or around the marsh lands. They basically need water and base to anchor it.

Are clams bivalves?

Yes, clams are bivalves. Bivalves are a class of mollusks characterized by having a shell with two hinged valves. Clams have two shells that they can close tightly to protect themselves.

What is clams body covering?

Clams are generally covered by a shell. It is a part of the clam's body, and it can open or close; when closed, it serves the purpose of protecting the clam from predators.

How do starfish open clams?

Starfish eat clams by grasping and pulling on the clams shell until the clam can't hold it close any longer. Once the shell is opened far enough, the starfish begins to feed on the clam.

What controls the opening and closing of the clam valves?

The adductor muscles control the opening and closing of the clam valves. When these muscles contract, the valves close, and when they relax, the valves open. Clams use this mechanism to protect themselves from predators and regulate their internal environment.

How close should people be to God?

As close or as far removed as they want.

What are seagulls?

The are seabirds that eat clam and fish.

Can you still cook and eat clams when they are open?

If a clam does not open when cooked, that usually means the clam was dead before cooking. Do not eat clams that won't open when cooked. Make sure that the clams have plenty of space to open during the cook. Sometimes the weight on top will prevent opening.

What are Chinese water deer's predator?

Giant clams close their shells on their feet and they starve. Then the clam absorbs the rotting deer.

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