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Chickens have laying seaons. When they come to an end of the laying season, they don't lay for 2-3 weeks, and then they begin a new egg season. Stress, bad food, and cold or hot weather can cause hens to stop laying until their envionment/conditions improve. A chicken won't lay if she's sick or distressed; her energy will go to keeping her alive instead of producing eggs.

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14y ago
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15y ago

There are many reasons this might happen and your question would need to be more specific as to the symptoms and manner of death.

Did the death occur within days or weeks of the stopping of lay? Were the hen or hens looking ill prior to death or did they just drop dead.

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14y ago

Most probably, your hens are reacting to the reduced daylight hours available during the winter months. Hens need 14 hours of light to produce eggs regularly. If the amount of daylight is reduced outside then supplement that natural light with artificial lighting to maintain egg production.

Feed your hens a good quality balanced diet, keep fresh water available and keep the lights on in the chicken coop for at least 14 hours per day if they do not free range.

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15y ago

There are several conditions that can effect egg production. Stress can cause the hens to slow or stop laying eggs. A rat, a mouse or other chickens bothering them stresses them out. Nutrition is also a key factor. Poorly maintained chickens will lay less frequently. Finally, proper light conditions is the most common factor. Hens need a minimum of 14 hours natural or artificial light in each 24 hour period to induce good egg production

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16y ago

sometimes because you bother them a lot ,you scare them, or maybe because its too hot to lay or to cold, and when you transport them it takes about 4 days so the can start laying

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12y ago

They have cycles of laying, it just needs a break, there is a recipe and when you add it to thier food it makes them start laying again message me for info

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13y ago

because it gets to hot and it is to hot for them to breed with each other.

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12y ago

Because its sick or dying

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Q: Why do chickens stop laying eggs in the summer?
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Will chickens stop laying eggs forever if they eat tomato leaves?

No, they will not.

Do chickens quit laying eggs?

it depends on the chicken some do stop but after their older and some might not stop laying but they will slow down (not lay as frequent)

Does a chicken lay eggs it's whole life?

No, a chicken's egg-laying typically decreases with age. They tend to lay the most eggs in their first year of laying and gradually lay fewer as they get older. Eventually, they may stop laying eggs altogether.

When is rhode island chickens laying seasons?

All chickens lay best in the spring and the fall. Most chickens stop altogether during the summer and winter.

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Ducks typically stop laying eggs when they reach old age, usually around 7-8 years old. Factors such as breed, health, and environmental conditions can also affect their egg-laying behavior.

Do chickens ever stop laying?


How do you stop a dove laying eggs?

You can not stop this, it is a normal thing that they do. If y7ou do not want the eggs then remove them and throw them in the trash. Eventually the hen will stop laying.

How do you stop egg laying?

There is no way to stop a chicken from laying eggs; It's nature's way.

Where do chickens lay?

put salt on their vents that will make them run too their laying spot, then take the eggs from there and put some of them where the chicken should lay you may have to let some rot or get fake Easter eggs for a while until the chickens start laying their and keep using that spot but be careful if you let the chicken set too long they think the eggs are fertile and will stop laying

What makes a bantam quit laying eggs?

Various reasons will decrease or stop egg laying. Laying tends to die off in the winter when the days are shorter and the weather cooler. Older chickens will also experience decreased egg production. If a chicken is not in an ideal environment or is experiencing stress or depression they might stop laying altogether.

Why are your hens not laying in cold weather?

My chickens, as well, don't lay eggs like they used to -- chances are, they are old, or possibly, your chickens are sick. However, the more likely probability is their age. Most chickens stop laying eggs after a few years; or they will lay very few.

Why have your bantam quit laying over night?

When chickens get to an age they decide to stop laying. They just get too old. Because it is winter at the moment, chickens are molting (loosing all of their feathers) and they often have a 'break' from laying for about a month. I have 20 or so chickens and I am only getting 3 eggs a day because most of them are molting. Your bantam could just be being slack or just old. Hope this helps....