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It depends on what kind o breed it is. Different breeds lay different colors of eggs. Or you are just not feeding it well.

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Small blood vessels can break as the egg travels down the oviduct of the hen. This is not cause for concern. Those speckles can be washed off the egg shell as they are not permanent.

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14y ago
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13y ago

The shell is produced in the chickens uterus where it remains for 20 to 26 hours. In the uterus, the egg gathers water and minerals including salts. Calcification of the shell takes place at this time and for most breeds of chicken the color of the shell is acquired in the uterus just prior to being released to the vagina. For some select breeds like Araucana the color is added to the shell in the Isthmus which is higher up in the oviduct than the uterus. When this happens the color of the shell is not just a layer of color but deposited throughout the shell.

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12y ago

Because different breeds of chicken have different pigmentation glands that produce different colors when the eggs is passed through them. Colors range anywhere from white, brown, pink, green, blue, and olive.

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17y ago

The red spot in an egg is blood. Sometimes after an egg is formed a little blood is left behind.

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15y ago

The breed of the chicken causes this.

Blood on the shell can cause spots, these will wash off.

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14y ago

the bumps are little calcium deposits in the eggshell.

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The red specks mean that the egg has been fertilized

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12y ago

The chicken are in different colour because of the different bread of chickens.

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14y ago

Small blood vessels can break as the egg travels down the oviduct of the hen. This is not cause for concern. Those speckles can be washed off the egg shell as they are not permanent.

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Q: Why do chicken eggs have different colors?
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Colors of eggs from chickens?

Chicken eggs can come in a variety of colors, including white, brown, blue, green, and even pink. The color of a chicken's eggs is determined by the breed of the chicken, with different breeds laying eggs of different colors. It is more common to find white or brown eggs in supermarkets, but specialty breeds may produce eggs in more exotic colors.

Can eggs shell be different colors?

Yes, eggs shells can come in a variety of colors depending on the breed of the chicken. Common colors include white, brown, blue, green, and even shades of pink. The color of the egg shell does not affect its nutritional value or taste.

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Each chicken breed lays different sized eggs and with different intervals

Why are the eggs a different colors?

because people love the taste of different colored eggs

What chicken have in it?

Chickens have only one ovary and can lay eggs with out mating first. They can only fly very short distances, if at all. The longest flight for a chicken was 15 seconds. Different breeds of chickens also lay different colors of eggs including white, tan, buff, light brown, dark brown, reddish, eggs with speckles and even green and blue eggs!

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No one is sure why they do - but we can assume that it was a genetic mutation to perhaps keep the eggs safer in the birds' enviroment.

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What do chicken eggs look like as they are incubating?

They look the same as normal eggs but the things inside are different.

Do turkey eggs taste different from chicken eggs?

Yes. The eggs of a turkey are stronger flavored and richer than chicken eggs. They often have a distinct "wild" flavor and can sometime taste of pine/cedar if gathered from the wild. Domestic turkey eggs do not usually have a bad flavor but they are distinctly different than the egg of a chicken.

What different types of eggs are there?

There are a huge variety of eggs that are edible including chicken eggs, turkey eggs, and quail eggs. You can also find lizard eggs, turtle eggs, and even snake eggs.

What is the portable chicken coop?

Portable chicken coop is a different category of chicken coups that can be easily carried so it is more portable and continent for producing eggs with your chicken.