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Banana is a crop in its center of origin in Southeast Asia.Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, the Philippines, the South Pacific island countries and also India are the largest producers.

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13y ago

Banana trees need a lot of sun, heat and humidity. They do not grow well in cooler or drier places. Also, the soil is an issue.

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Every country but Chile.

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16y ago

Bananas grow best in a tropical climate.

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Q: Why do banana trees need to grow in the exotic places in the world?
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How do banana trees respond to the outside world?

They live i hot countries

Do banana trees grow in Indonesia?

Yes. Banana trees grow in Indonesia. Banana trees grow anywhere that has fertile soil, adequate moisture, and temperature above freezing. A freeze can kill a banana tree and usually does. There are certain types of banana trees that do not grow in certain places due to endemic diseases. A particular type of banana tree might not grow in Indonesia for that reason. You may not be able to bring a banana tree from one part of the world to Indonesia and expect it to survive. Indonesia may have rules against bringing in bananas from areas where certain diseases exist. You will need to check with Indonesian authorities before trying to set up a banana plantation using certain types of bananas.

Where are banana trees found?

Bananas are not trees. they are the largest flowering herbaceous plant cultivated in 107 countries in the world

Are trees found all over the world?

Not all trees are found all over the world. some kinds of trees are found in different places over thee world.

Where Are Rainforets Found?

they are found in exotic moist places in the world like Madagascar and stuff like that cha cha cha

Is banana considered a tree shrub or a herb?

Bananas do not grow on trees. The Banana plant is the largest herbacious flowering plant. The upright stem in known at the Pseudostem which produces a single bunch of bananas. After fruiting the psdeudostem dies.

When was Miss Exotic World Pageant created?

Miss Exotic World Pageant was created in 1990.

Why are koalas exotic?

To Australians, koalas are not exotic. Koalas are exotic to the rest of the world because they are unique to Australia. 'Exotic' means 'of foreign origin or character; not native', so koalas are considered exotic in other parts of the world to which they are not native.

Are banana leaves a type of cannabis?

no, people think this because in many parts of the world, cannibis is smoked in a rolled banana leaf (green) - rolling papers are hard to come by in some places

What is the phone number of the Exotic World in Helendale California?

The phone number of the Exotic World is: 760-243-5261.

Where is the Exotic World in Helendale California located?

The address of the Exotic World is: 29053 Wild Road, Helendale, CA 92342

What is the most exspencive banana in the world?

cavidish banana