Oscars should be kept alone so they don't eat any of your other fish of fight with other Oscars. Oscars also grow very fast and as they do they become more and more aggressive. They can sometimes be kept with a large Plecostomus if your tank has plenty of room.
No, they can live alone or with other female bettas. They might bite each other but won't kill.
That depends on the type of fish. Some fish need company in order to survive. Common gold fish, Polynisian Fighting fish and many more are fine to live alone
fish are developed with gills so they need water in order to breath.
they can but they would need a big cage. but they can live alone
non fish need water to live!
no, because they need a heated tank between 71 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit. they like 77 degrees Fahrenheit because it reduces stress and diseases.
they live alone
tropical fish have to live around 75 degrees
You're sure it's an oscar? Those things are opportunistic predators--basically, they'll eat anything that will fit in their mouths. Seriously, though, some cichlids don't like to eat guppies for whatever reason. They don't NEED to eat live fish, and a lot of fish experts say not to feed live fish. So...if it won't eat guppies but it will eat chopped beef heart, earthworms, cichlid pellets or whatever else you're feeding him, I would just not put any more guppies in there.
No. Depending upon the climate you live in, tropical fish may need heaters if you live in a cool place and if you live in a warm place cold water fish may need coolers. Each species has its own requirements.
Oscars are carnivorous. The best food for them is formulated pellets for large carnivores, which are carefully balanced to provide optimal nutrition (if you invest the money in good quality ones). Their diet should also be supplemented with fresh food. Do not feed them too much mammal protein (meat from pigs, sheep or cattle) as it is bad for them. If you are going to use it, offer lean beef heart. They will also take fish flesh or prawns. Some people feed their Oscars live fish, but this is not recommended. Not only do some live fish carry parasites or disease, but they are nowhere near as nutritionally suitable as formulated food. Also, the feeder fish are often kept in inadequate conditions before being fed to the predator, and this cruelty is unnecessary - it's a lot easier to keep lumps of meat in the freezer than have to set up, cycle and maintain tanks for live feeders, and it's also cheaper and healthier for your Oscar.
Food water oxygen