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Because it is a delicious meat, and it can be processed so that it is as safe as any other meat.

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Q: Why do Americans eat pork?
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Related questions

How many Americans do not eat pork?

Around 20% of Americans do not eat pork for various reasons, including religious beliefs, dietary restrictions, and personal preferences.

Did native Americans eat pork?

Yes they did. They started in 1880 in America, no where in particular.

What do Muslim-Americans eat that Americans don't?

Muslim-Americans do not eat unique foods by dint of being Muslims, but rather they eat the unique foods of their homelands. An Iraqi-American who is Muslim will eat roughly the same foods as an Iraqi-American who is Jewish or Christian and an Indian-American who is Muslim will eat roughly the same foods a Hindu Indian-American, but a Muslim Iraqi-American and a Muslim Indian-American will eat foods that are very different from on another, because they come from different places.The only things that Christian-Americans eat that Muslim-Americans do not are pork and alcohol. (Although a significant number of Muslim-Americans do eat pork and/or alcohol in contravention with Islamic doctrine.)

Does a Hindu eat pork?

Yes, they eat pork but they don't eat beef.

Does meaghan jette martin eat pork?

yes she eat pork

When can you eat pork?

Muslims don't eat pork

Why do Jehovah's Witnesses not eat pork?

Jehovah's Witnesses can eat pork if they wish, as long as it is properly bled. Jews and Muslims do not eat pork.

Can Africans eat pork?

Most Africans in general that I have met whether they be from west, east, north or south Africa say that they do not eat pork although some do from certain tribes. Africa is a huge continent made up of so many different cultures and tribes so when you talk about west Africans, it is too big and general to answer. I can tell you this though. No one eats as much pork or meat as Americans. Americans, eat a lot of pork and so does Europeans. I lived in Germany for 3 years and I have never seen so much pork in my life.

Do the Chinese people eat properly?

yes, they do, of course they do not always eat the same foods as Europeans or Americans do, they eat more rice and noodles no diary products but love pork, beef and chicken.

If you don't eat pork what are you?

That depends on why you don't eat pork. If it is for religious reasons, you might be a Jew or a Muslim. If you don't eat pork because you don't eat meat, you are a vegetarian.

What do Muslims eat if they don't eat pork?

they can eat anything but nothing with pork. and they cant eat anything that eats meat.

What do typical Americans eat for supper?

Americans eat a variety of things. Some of them include spaghetti, hamburgers, pork-chops, corn, spinach, broccoli, green beans ect. Source: I just listed parts of my last few meals.