The cat will eat the hamster and the cat and dog will get in a fight that will end badly
show the dog that there is nothing to be scared of...
NEVER trust a dog with a hamster or any rodent. Dogs are naturally hunters, and sadly will try to kill and devour small pets. If you want your hamster to meet the dog, have the dog on a leash and the hamster in a run about type of ball or cage so the dog can see the new friend. Very closely supervise and NEVER trust your dog with the hamster no matter how docile either one is.
If your a person who is busy and can't watch your pet 24\7 get a hamster. If your a person who is not very busy and has time to train a dog and play then definitely get a dog.
a dog with 2 tails!
No. Depends on which breed of dog you mean. Some breeds can run faster. especially a greyhound for instance.
Give him head and swallow!! Give him head and swallow!!
Dogs "cry" from frustration. The dog probably really wants at that hamster and knows he'll never get to chase/catch it, which is one of the dog's natural instincts to do.
A fluffy, little hamster is my opinion. Uhhhhmmm...What a hard question. ... NOT!!! Well a dog of course everyone would pick that. Little hamster what can it do? P00p and P00p and P00p some more! What a mess! ewwww... A dog plays fetch, chases you and is always going to be with you so... DOG D-O-G DOG!!! Glad to help! ;) -F00xy666 or Rainxluv I would go with the dog myself. Hamsters can be taught to do those things to! They are smart. I might be getting a hamster. I already have a dog. ♥
it depends on the dog