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Hermit crabs can mate many times throughout their life. Hermit crabs can live to be 50+ years old in the wild and mate the whole time.

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16y ago
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15y ago

Becuase he has reached the climax of his life and after that it becomes endless bitching from the female crab and paying taxes

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13y ago

The question is far to vague. Fiddler Crabs come and go but family is forever.

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12y ago

CAuse their sperm spreads to its body

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Q: Why did the fiddler crab turn white an die?
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Why did your fiddler crab die?

Because I got a brand new violin crab!

What is the best way to set up a fiddler crab's tank?

U CANT TOUCH YOUR CRAB OR IT WILL LOST IT LEG OR CLAW...put rock in it for the fiddler crab to sit on...u have to have salt water or your crab will die...

How long can a fiddler crab live without water?

not long there gills will dry out and they will die

What does a fiddler crab eat?

your crab will die if you listen to this other guy trust mine are dead from him they eaqt baby shrimp and freeze dried plankton hope this helps

Why does my hermit crab have a white bump?

Typically its about to molt or in the process of shedding it's outer shell, molting.

When did Robert Fiddler die?

Robert Fiddler died in 2008.

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Jack Fiddler died in 1907.

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Can hermit crabs die and turn into ghost?

No there is now way in the world that a hermit crab can die and turn into a ghost. . . nothing can do that. He might go to hermit crab heaven Maybe you are a strange polytheist, and maybe THEN hermit crabs die and turn into ghosts....or maybe they are the ghosts in the mario games......

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A nebula does not directly turn into a white dwarf. A nebula will collapse to form stars. Low to medium mass stars become white dwarfs after they die. Some are the result of a supernova and do not collapse, they merely dissipate over time. The Crab Nebula is the most prominent example of this.

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James Morrison - fiddler - died in 1947.

When did Bob Holt - fiddler - die?

Bob Holt - fiddler - died in 2004.