I'm pretty sure they can! The only thing Hindus don't eat for religious reasons in cow products and many are vegetarian.
trees, poisonous mushrooms, poisonous fish, anything that seems inedible or poisonous.
hindus eat meat and they eat pork and what got meat in their food
you acctualy cant eat box turtles they eat mushrooms ther mushroom toxins get into their meat and that can poison you. i would just eat a common snapper
Hindus are vegetarians.
Not ordinary mushrooms that you eat.
Hindus don't eat meat because they believe animals are sacred.
Step2 eat for sale mushrooms
There are a few forbidden foods for Hindus:Beef.Exotic animals and wild animals.Some sects of Hinduism (Vaishnavism) encourage vegetarianism, whereas others eat meat.
Most Hindus don't eat any meat, but will eat animal products. North Indians, for the most part will eat white meat, and Southern Indians are fully vegetarian. Some Hindus choose to eat meat, so it all depends on their type of worship.
they SHOULDN'T eat cow because they consider it holy. aka a GOD but they could eat it if they wanted to. many Indians who come to america eat burgers because they just cant resist hahah
stop eating mushrooms.
It is not advised that goats eat mushrooms which grow in the wild. Some species of mushrooms can be very toxic to these animals.