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Because God is reported to have said, through strict Jewish interpretation, that only fish with fins and scales can be eaten. Shellfish do not have these properties, so they can't be eaten.

Le 11:9 'These you may eat of all that are in the water: whatever in the water has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers-that you may eat. Le 11:10 'But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water, they are an abomination to you. De 14:9 "These you may eat of all that are in the waters: you may eat all that have fins and scales. De 14:10 "And whatever does not have fins and scales you shall not eat; it is unclean for you.

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14y ago
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11y ago

Because shelfish arn't kosher. Rules about what can and cant be eaten go back to the Torah (Deuteronomy ch.14). and often are there to protect people against making a habit of eating foods are more likely to go of and make people sick then others. the only seafood a Jew is allowed to eat must have fins and scales.

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9y ago

Because God said fins and scales. Le 11:9 'These you may eat of all that are in the water: whatever in the water has fins and scales, whether in the seas or in the rivers-that you may eat. Le 11:10 'But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water, they are an abomination to you. De 14:9 "These you may eat of all that are in the waters: you may eat all that have fins and scales. De 14:10 "And whatever does not have fins and scales you shall not eat; it is unclean for you. So we eat what God said we could eat.

So in other words, we don't eat lobster because it does not have fins or scales, which are the requirements for a kosher fish.

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13y ago

Shellfish is banned in the guidelines governing food found in the Torah. The complete dietary laws, called 'kashrut', are found in the Talmud. More specifically, aquatic animals must have both easily removed scales and fins. Any water animal that does not meet these two requirements is not kosher.

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9y ago

Jews cannot eat shellfish because the Torah forbids it for Jews (Deuteronomy ch.14). They don't have the characteristics of a kosher species. Any living organism that lives in the sea needs to have fins and scales to be Kosher.

In order to be kosher, food has to be prepared according to the kosher-laws (see Deuteronomy ch.14). These are explained in detail in the Talmud-volume of Chullin.
* Meat must be from those land animals which have split hooves and chew their cud (such as beef, venison and mutton).
* Fish have to have scales and fins. Shellfish are not kosher.
* Birds cannot be among those listed as forbidden in the Torah (Deuteronomy ch.14) and cannot be hunters/scavengers. In actual practice, today we eat only those species concerning which we have a tradition that they're permitted, such as domestic chicken, geese, pigeons and turkey.

* Animals must be slaughtered in the manner specified by Jewish law and must be free of all disease. In actual practice, those who keep kosher purchase meat which is certified as having been prepared in the kosher manner.
* As much blood as possible must be removed from meat before cooking, since consumption of blood is forbidden (Leviticus ch.17). This is done at home or by the kosher butcher, through salting, soaking and rinsing.

* Dairy and meat cannot be combined in the same meal and there's a waiting period between eating one and then the other. After dairy: 1/2 hour. After meat: 6 hours for most Jewish communities.

* Fruits and vegetables should be checked to be sure they're free of bugs. Some Jews avoid cauliflower, asparagus, and the like, because of the difficulty in checking them.

Additionally, food must be prepared and handled following kashrut-laws and with kosher ingredients only. Any food that does not meet these requirements cannot be eaten by those who are religiously observant. Foods which are purchased should be labeled as having had kosher supervision during their processing.

See also the Related Links.

Link: Could you give me a list of kosher and non-kosher types of fish?

Link: Why do some Jews not keep kosher?

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Will Warren

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3y ago

It is widely consider unclean but consider the following.

I think we can all agree that shrimp have fins as seen in this picture so the question is do shrimp have scales, what are scales? I would define scales as a overlapping armor, on this definition I believe shrimp have both fins and scales. So I do believe shrimp is clean according to the Torah.

arthropod, insect, underwater, marine biology
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9y ago

Jews cannot eat shellfish because the Torah forbids it for Jews (Deuteronomy ch.14).

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15y ago

To be considered kosher, a fish must have fins and scales. Since a lobster doesn't have those two, it is not kosher.

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9y ago

Due to the laws of Kashrut, Jews are only allowed to eat fish that are not bottom feeders and that have fins and scales.

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12y ago

The Torah ("Old Testament") specifies that in order to be kosher, a sea creature must have both scales and fins. Shrimp do not qualify.

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What food cant jews eat and why?

Mixing meat and dairy, and shellfish and pork are NOT considered healthy.

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Muslims and Jews don't eat pork. Muslims eat shellfish, but Jews don't.

Do Jews eat oysters?

No, because they're shellfish.

Why aren't jews allowed to eat prawn?

It's shellfish.

Do Christians and Jews eat the same things?

Yes, for the most part, although traditional Jews do not eat certain foods, such as pork and shellfish.

Can Jews eat crustaceans?

No.Jews cannot eat shellfish because they don't have the characteristics of a Kosher aquatic being. Any living organism that lives in the sea needs to have fins and scales to be Kosher. Shellfish have neither fins nor scales.

Can Jewish people eat shellfish?

The law of Kosher dictates that the only seafood they can eat is fish. So that rules out shellfish like clams and lobster. They go further to say that the fish must have a backbone, fins and scales.

What nationality are kosher?

Kosher is the diet of Jews. Jews keep kosher. If you keep kosher you cannot eat: shellfish, pork, or dairy mixed with meat. The main land of Jews is Israel. So technically, the nationality of kosher is Israel.

Is seal an carnivore?

Yes! -They eat fish, squid, shellfish,and penguins.

Do shellfish poop?

yes they are living things and all living things have to: move, respire, eat, EXCRETE, reproduce, grow and one other thing but i cant remember. Anyway shellfish are living so they have to excrete, which is to poop.

Do Jews have different food from us?

It depends on who "us" is. More likely than not, the answer is "yes", if only because non-Jews often eat pork or shellfish and mix meat and dairy in contravention of Jewish guidelines.

Why can't Muslims eat shellfish?

This particular issue is different for Sunni Muslims and Shiite Muslims.According to most Shia Muslims:The only Halal seafood or seafood that is allowed to be eaten by Muslims are:1- Fish that have scales such as Cod, Tuna, Solomon, etc..If the fish does not have scales such as Catfish Eels then it is Haram to eat2- Shrimps are halal(Source: Islamic Laws, Grand Ayatullah Sayed Ali Al-Hussaini Al-Sistani)_______________________________________________________________According to most Sunni Muslims:All kinds of fish and sea food; including shellfish; is halah (allowed) to eat (unless it is poisonous). Only Jews and Shiites forbid eating some kinds of sea food.