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Sugar and alcohol can be mixed. However, it is not very healthy to drink.

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Q: Why can't sugar and alcohol be mixed?
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How do you separate a mixture of salt and sugar?

sugar can dissolve in alcohol but salt cant dissolve in alcohol.we add the mixture in alcohol and filtrater it and get sugar alcohol solution one side and salt left other side

Can someone with glucose intolerance have sugar alcohol?

Glucose is sugar ... Intolerance means your body cant handle it ... So ima have to say ... NO ...

Is there sugar in electronic cigarettes?

No there is not. e-Liquids are usually made of PG and or VG, mixed with flavorings and water and little alcohol.

Is sugar a heterogeneous mixture?

No its homogeneous . Heterogenous is when you can see to different ingredients. Homogeneous is when you cant tell between one ingredient and another sugar water is mixed so you can not see the sugar it looks like plain water

What is produced when sugar and water are mixed?

Not so easy there, Alcohol is a molecule, not a solution. You put things together to make alcohol, but that requires altering them at a molecular level. That usually requires heat or pressure. And as we all know alcohol is extremely flammable, so lets not go adding sugar to stuff. It could go boom!!!

What happens if you mix sugar and rubbing alcohol?

When you mix sugar and rubbing alcohol, the sugar will dissolve in the alcohol. This is because rubbing alcohol is a polar solvent that can effectively dissolve polar and non-polar substances like sugar.

Will sugar dissolve in alcohol?

Yes, sugar will dissolve in alcohol, especially in high-proof alcohol like vodka or rum. The solubility of sugar in alcohol depends on factors such as temperature and the alcohol concentration.

What can I do to separate sugar and salt?

Pour the mixture in alcohol. The sugar will dissolve and the salt can be separated, and then, pour water on the alcohol/sugar solution. Wait for the water/alcohol to evaporate, then the sugar will be left.

Does sugar form a colloid when mixed with water?

No, sugar forms a solution when mixed with water.

Does alcohol have sugar in it?

Chemically speaking, alcohol (ethanol) and sugar (sucrose, etc) are different substances. Alcohol itself contains no sugar, carbs or fat. Alcoholic beverages often contain sugars--check the labeling on them for carbohydrate content.

What happens if you mix sugar and alcohol?

If there is enough liquid, the sugar will dissolve, as rubbing alcohol is a mixture of water (about 30%) with an alcohol. Sugar is soluble in both liquids. * BTW, rubbing alcohol is poisonous. *

What alcohols contain sugar?

All alcohols contain sugar because alcohol itself is a refined type of sugar, that's why it has so many calories.