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They aren't a very "active" fish and they like to be alone and off in their own way. they don't like people and they don't like to be with other fish.

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Q: Why aren't your clownfish swimming together?
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How does the clownfish protect its self?

by swimming away

Is a clownfish habit is swimming?

dcbhbvjbrfb nt nt fmne jr r

Do whales eat clownfish?

Humpback whales don't eat clownfish. Humpbacks, well, all the filter-feeding baleen whales prefer schooling, free-swimming fish.

How often does a clownfish move?

The clown fish do not move much. They spend most of the time swimming in areas that are near to their residences.

How many different types of clownfish are there?

Heres all the ones I know: -Common Clownfish -Orange Skunk Clownfish -Maroon Clownfish -Pink Skunk Clownfish -Red sea Clownfish -Barrier Reef clownfish -Clark's Clownfish -Cap Clownfish !

What type of animal is swimming over the trench in Finding Nemo?

Marlin (clownfish) and Dory (blue tang) swim over the trench, where they meet a group of jellyfish

What are two examples of a mutualism?

Bees taking pollen and making honey from it. The bee will spread the pollen from flower to flower making new seeds. The clownfish has benefits from living in anemones f.example the get protection while the anemone gets better water circulation when the clownfish is swimming inside it.

Is there an lps clownfish?

no there is not an lps clownfish.

What is a group of clownfish called?

a group of clownfish

Who will be a perfect couple for Kakashi?

I think anko, but they arent together . . .yet :)

Is it clownfish or clown fish?

The correct term is clownfish.

What continent are clownfish found?

what continent is the clownfish found