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Because other people might find the kid and kill her/him. or keep him/her for a ransom.

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Q: Why are there missing pictures on milk cartons?
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Is there any software to see how you will look in future?

Yes, the police use a version of it to predict from pictures of abducted children how they might look years later. That is the way many of the pictures of missing children on milk cartons are produced.

What is a collective noun for cartons of milk?

There is no specific collective noun for cartons of milk, in which case, a noun suitable for the context of the sentence is used, for example a shelf of cartons of milk, a row of cartons of milk, etc.

Are milk cartons made of biodegradable materials?

Older milk cartons were not made of biodegradable materials. The newest milk cartons that are produced are made of biodegradable materials.

Are milk cartons to be put in paper or plastic?

milk cartons can be put into paper or plastic. Either one is fine.

What time period does the book the face on the milk carton take place?

The first milk cartons were distributed in the San Francisco area as early as 1906, but there were still improvements to be made.Such as:The spout on the milk carton did not appear until the 1960s. Previously cartons had to be cut open to pour the milk or n the 1980's, milk cartons started to feature faces of missing children and their descriptions in an effort to recover the missing children. Thousands of children have been found due to this effort.

Why are milk cartons important?

Milk stays fresh longer in cartons, over see-through containers which means it tastes better, for longer... Cartons are also more eco-friendly as opposed to plastic jugs. The down side is cartons are more expensive.

Who was stolen on the face on the milk carton?

i fyour talking about the book then it was Janie Johnson or known really as Jennie Spring ii guess it was the cows are the missing people they had on the milk cartons a while back...

Are milk cartons recyclable?


Where is milk put into bottles or cartons?


What happens to the milk after the milk leaves the cow?

they put it into cartons at the store!

How many milk cartons are sold each year in the us?

Around 48 billion milk cartons are sold each year in the United States.

What are the lyrics to the 70s milk jingle Anytimes the right time for a glass of milk?

100 cartons of milk on the wall 100 cartons of milk take one down open the spout drinkity drink til the milk runs out.