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The arrows in a food chain indicate the direction of energy flow from organism to organism.

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Q: Why are the arrows on a food chain not pointed the other way?
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What is used to indicate the flow of energy in food chain or web?

What is used to indicate the flow of energy in a food chain or web

What way does the arrows point on a food chain?


What do arrows in a food chain mean?

In a food chain, the arrows are meant to show what animals energy goes where EX: fish--->bear the energy of the fish goes to the bear

What to arrows in the food chain show?

The arrow means "is eaten by"

What shows how all systems in a food chain are connected?


What do the arrows in the food chain represent?

How energy moves from organism to organism.

What do the arrows mean in a food chain?

In a food chain, the arrows are meant to show what animals energy goes where EX: fish--->bear the energy of the fish goes to the bear

In a food web arrows can point in any direction?

no because the arrows in a food web/chain mean 'is eaten by' because a worm is eaten by a pidgeon.

Why do arrows in a food chain point towards the consumer?

cos that s life

What do the arrows in the food chain mean?

the arrows in a food chain mean "is eaten by" for example: grass----->rabbit----->fox the grass is eaten by or consumed by the rabbit. the rabbit is then consumed or eaten by the fox hope this helps

In a food web arrows can point in any direction true or false?

no because the arrows in a food web/chain mean 'is eaten by' because a worm is eaten by a pidgeon.

Why do the arrows on a food web point toward the animal eating?

The arrow in a food chain points to where the energy is going.