this girl Jannah says takis are the hottest ever but flamming hot chetos smokes takis...hahhaha
hot cheetos
Nitro Takis are hotter because takis fuego has just hot chili pepper when takis nitro has habana which is way hotter than just a chili pepper.
Takis are hotter than Hot Cheetos. Hot Cheetos get a sweet taste after eating them a while. Takis usually get hotter the more you eat them.
Takis are considered spicy chips, but some people may say it is not due to different tastebuds.
i hear you can get some at home depot
its hot pepper and hot chilly hope im right
hot chili pepper..&&'nd- lime flavored corn snack :putnam:
hot chili pepper..&&'nd- lime flavored corn snack :putnam:
hot cheetos fries are the best in some peoples minds, but i love the baked flamin hot cheetos personally. but i guess u will have to try them for yourself :) ~Alisha
Yes, as many people as you want can participate!
ya... i was eating some Takis...YUM