moldy mushy peas are made by mushin moldy mushy peas
No Its just a discription of food like mushy peas
dried split peas, maybe
Gregor Mendel invented peas in 1850
rag its hed of mushy peas
mushy peas
Marrowfat peas. Used to make Mushy peas.
Faggots are a British food often made from pork offal, such as the heart and liver, as well as other parts of the animal that are usually discarded. It is traditionally eaten with mushy peas, mashed potatoes, and onion gravy. Mushy peas are dried marrowfat peas that are soaked overnight and then cooked, creating a thick, mushy puree of peas.
sausage and pie and gravy sometimes mushy peas
mushy peas and mucus or green beans and jonnies
Laurian Clemence has written: 'Mushy peas on toast'
To make mushy peas you need to steep marrowfat peas overnight in clean cold water before cooking them.