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Because, minerals are actually the most important part of food.

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Q: Why are minerals in a food label so important?
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Is the nutritional food label is the only part of a food's packaging that is regulated by the government?

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What minerals does the body make?

None. Minerals and vitamins must be consumed for the body to use them. This is why vitamins and minerals are so important to our nutrition.

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Food testing is important when you are cooking so that you can make sure the dish you are preparing tastes good. When you taste food as you cook, you will know if it needs more seasonings and can add them before you serve the dish.

Why is food label important?

labelling on food products is important because consumers need to ensure that they are eating the correct amount of nutrients. they also need them so that they can avoind overeating, unhealthy foods and keep allergens away from anyone that may be allergic to a certain ingredient, nuts for example.

Why are minarals so important to us?

Minerals are too important to us. They are useful for many purposes.

Why is mineralogist so important?

mineralogist is so important being they find minerals in the ground if it wasnt for mineralogist we wouldn't have makeup

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so that you know the numbers are the same.

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Yes gold mining is important to Canada Canada mines many minerals and makes a lot of money doing so minerals

Are there hidden calories on a food label?

I wouldn't say there are "hidden calories" per se, but it's important to look at serving size. The calorie count on the label is for one "serving size," but for example, in a bottle of soda there are usually 2.5 servings in a bottle. So the calories you are getting if you drink the whole soda are actually 2.5 times the number on the label.