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Q: Why are gm foods used and what are some advantages?
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When can GM foods be purchased AND where can the GM foods be purchased?

GM food can be found at some of your local markets and at any time of the year but before you buy it i would like to let you know that GM foods can cause allergic reactions and can be poisinous.

What is the nickname for GM food?

Some refer to GMO foods as "frankenfoods."


Some of the GM, or genetically modified, foods include crops, meats, and dairy. Cows are normally fed a GM diet to enhance the meat or dairy and many of the time the fertilzer in crops such as corn and tomatoes are genetically modified as well.

Why have some countries outlawed GM foods?

there are many different reasons that some countries have outlawed GM foods, for example. * unknown health risks. * threat to the environment and biodiversity. * risk of allergy * ethical views

What foods affected by gm foods?

Your moms

What are 8 advantages of science?

# warmth # easy to cook food # ease of transport # communication # medicine # life support # GM foods # nutrient supplements

Why are gm foods good?


Why has the government put bans or restricions on GM foods?

Because the company which controls most GM foods will not allow independent testing of their products.

What are some examples of gm food available to buy?

The availability of GM (genetically modified) food available depends on where you live. In some parts of the world, GM foods are banned for human consumption. In the US, most GM foods are considered by FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to be equivalent in nutritional value and safey to their non-GM counterparts. Most foods made in the US that contain soy, corn, or canola oil contain GMOs (genetically modified organisms), and you can't be sure unless the label says they DON'T contain these, because there is no rule to ensure GMO containing foods are labeled as such in the US (GMO labeling is voluntary in US). Some GM zucchini, apples, papayas, sugar beets, and milk are sold in supermarkets. In fact, it is hard to know which foods have GMO's and which do not, in the US.

When were GM foods available for public consumption?

1994 - the FlavrSavr transgenic tomato was legalised by the US to be commercially sold. After that, a lot of GM foods were legalised

Can gm foods make medicines?


What are genetically modified GM organisms and GM foods?

Genetically modified(GM)organisms are those organisms whose DNA, or genetic material has been altered through modern biotechnology whereas GM foods are those from genetically engineered crops.