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people hunt them for their meat

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Q: Why are dolphins endangered species?
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Related questions

Are bottlenose dolphins are endangered species?

No. Bottlenose dolphins are not endangered.

Are the middle east dolphins endangered?

All species of dolphins are endangered.

Why are all dolphins going endangered?

All dolphins are not going endangered. Only a few species are. The IUCN Redlist is an excellent resource for info on these species.

Does their food effect the endangered dolphins?

it depends on what kind of species of endangered dolphin. it is true that some species are endangered partially because of their food (this is because these dolphins eat tuna, which is hunted daily by humans).

Why is the dolphins endangered species?

Several species of dolphins are endangered for many reasons. The Yangtze river dolphin is endangered, practically extinct, due to the small area it lives in, the river Yangtze, which is a very busy boat route. Many other species are endangered due to illegal catching of dolphins and because of fishing nets that trap them.

What are 2 endangered dolphins?

The endangered dolphins' species are: the Indus River dolphin and the Baiji also known as the Yangtze River dolphin.

Are dolphins on the official Endangered Species List?

Yes, sadly some species of dolphin are on the endangered list, this is because of people hunting them.

Why is bottlenose dolphins is endangered?

The Atlantic bottlenosed dolphin is far from an endangered species. The animal is the most common dolphin species in the Atlantic.

Are dolphins extinct?

No, but some species of dolphins are endangered, like the Indus River dolphins and the Yangtzee River dolphins. The pink Amazon River dolphins and the Ganges River dolphins are classed as

What can people do to help bottlenose dolphins not be endangered anymore?

Make sure they don't become endangered. They are not at present an endangered species.

Why are dolphins are becoming an endangered species?

Just go here: Why_are_dolphins_endangered

How many species of dolphins are endangered?

i think that there are suppose to be 8 for 2012.