

Why are clams filter feeders?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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14y ago

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Clams are filter feeders because they filter stuff.

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Q: Why are clams filter feeders?
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Do clams filter feed?

Yes, clams are filter feeders.

Are clams forangers grazers filter feeders predators scavengers or parasites?

Clams are filter feeders. They are not parasites, scavengers, predators, or foragers.yes a clam is a scavenger

What are clams referred to as filter feeders?

This kid named hunter

How does a scallop eat?

They are filter feeders, along with clams and mussels.

Do clams eat or no?

Yes, clams do eat. They are filter feeders filtering water for microscopic animals and plants.

Do clams eat anything else besides seaweed?

Clams do not eat seaweed. They are filter feeders and they eat plankton.

What type of feeder is the clam?

A clam is a type of feeder known as a filter feeder. Filter feeders strain particles like food from the water using an internal filtering system.

List of what clams eat?

Clams tend to be filter feeders and pull water into their shells and then filter out any edible organisms they find there. Typically they eat plankton and bits of algae.

How do you feed freshwater clams?

Freshwater clams are filter feeders, so tiny foods like daphnia and rotifers and cyclops work well.

What do calico clams eat?

Calico Clams are?æ known as filter feeders. This means that they eat plankton that has been strained using their siphon.

How do filter feeders eat?

Filter feeders, such as baleen whales and bivalve mollusks, use specialized structures to extract food particles from water. They passively filter water through their feeding apparatus, like baleen plates or gills, and trap small food particles, such as plankton or algae. These organisms then extract nutrients from the trapped particles before expelling the filtered water.

What type of fish is a filter-feeder?

There are quite a few filter feeders living in the oceans. They include sharks, whales, clams, krill, sponges, some species of ducks, and flamingos.