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Cut the moving "thumb" part of the claw with a pair of scissors to prevent them from eating and or harming your fish. It will grow back after one or two molts and you will have to do it again

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Q: Why and How do you cut crayfish claws?
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Related questions

Do crayfish have cells?

No, crayfish use claws and force to defend themselves

How do crayfish lose their claws?


Do crayfish have stinging cells?

No, crayfish use claws and force to defend themselves

What is a crayfishes protection?

crayfish have a hard exoskeleton and large, pinching claws.

What do crayfish's claws help them with?

Claws are used only for getting/finding food, and defense.

Do crayfish eat insects?

Crayfish will eat anything that get to there claws. They usually eat meal-worms, cat food, and regular fish food. They do prefer mealworms though. All you have to do to feed it, is to drop the food in front of the crayfish's claws.

How can you tell the difference between an English and American crayfish?

The difference between an English crayfish and an American crayfish is the English crayfish grows to about 3 inches long. It is red- brown in color. It's claws has a turquois and white blotch on the edge of the claw. The American crayfish grows to about 6 inches long. This crayfish is much larger and it's claws are red underneath.

What are characteristics of crayfish?

hard shell, sharp claws aquatic

How many legs and claws does a crawfish?

walking legs on a crayfish are used for mobility and movement, while the claws remain free to forage for food. This allows the crayfish to eat on the move and travel fair distances in a short time.

What are chilipeds?

i believe they are the claws on lobsters, crabs, crayfish... Not horseshoe crab's though....

Why do birds have claws?

Crayfish have claws to help it grip onto the sand or maybe even their prey. Crayfish have claws to help it grip onto the sand, and maybe fight of its predators. They are also used to hold onto its food.

Are female crayfish larger than male ones?

Yes,the father of any animal is always bigger than the mother.