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It might be a sign of a peanut allergy, which can cause life threatening reactions.

Because peanut butter is relatively dry it can irritate the taste buds on your tongue.

But it's best to talk to a doctor.

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Q: Why after eating peanut butter do you get an itchy tongue?
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No itchy is a sign of an allergic reaction, this could be due to the quality or lack of it in the jewellery in your tongue piercing.

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Because it has taste buds.

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It's recommended that if you have an unknown cause for itchy eyes, you should see an eye doctor immediately and be prescribed the appropriate medication. However if you choose not to, avoid wearing contact lens, sleep when possible (this reduces the urge to rub and gives the eyes time to heal), and if you can, rinse with eye drops or a saline solution to keep the eyes clean.

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May be a pharmacist of your confidence can indicate to you a proper medicine.

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It means that you're probably allergic to it.

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Well you might have nitricendrome, which means you have an itchy head but no nits, this is caused by not washing your hair properly, eating enough fruit and not getting enough nutrients.

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keep lotion,or other body cream on them.coco butter lotion doe's wonder's for me.

Why would you get itchy when eating sweet potatoes?

They only way sweet potatoes are going to make you itch is if you are allergic.

Why sometime a person belly button getting an itchy?

cuz they've been eating too much curry.