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Muhammad preached that people are equal, and that the rich should share thier wealth with the poor

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Islam teaches Equality as all human beings are the off-spring of a single couple. It gives equal rights to all human beings. Thus the poor were attrcted towards Islam.

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Q: Why Muhammads teachings were so popular with the poorer people?
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Why were Muhammad's teachings popular with the poorer people?

Islam teaches Equality as all human beings are the off-spring of a single couple. It gives equal rights to all human beings. Thus the poor were attrcted towards Islam.

Why were Muhammad's teachings so popular with poorer people?

Islam teaches Equality as all human beings are the off-spring of a single couple. It gives equal rights to all human beings. Thus the poor were attrcted towards Islam.

Why Muhammad teachings were popular with poorer people?

Muhammad preached that all people are equal and that the rich should share their wealth with the poor . Many poor people began accepting Muhammad's message and became Muslims, or followers of Islam.

Why do you think Muhammad's teachings were popular with poorer people?

Muhammad demanded that the wealthy give away some part of their wealth to look after the poor and the wealthy did not want their money taken from them. It is the same reason that most wealthy individuals in democracies vote against left-wing programs that redistribute wealth; they do not want to lose their money.

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Poorer nutrition, poorer health and ultimately lower life expectancy

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