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Muhammad BIn Qasim Was A Famous Ruler Because At The Age Of 17 He Was The Cammander Of The Team Of Eastern Arab

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Q: Why Muhammad Bin Qasim was a popular ruler?
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Muhammad bin Qasim was born on December 31, 695.

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Who is Muhammad bin qasim in urdu?

Muhammad Bin Qasim was a great muslim general who conquered Sind in 712 .he established such a government as was full of peace,prosperity,love,religious tolerance.He is remembered as great muslim ruler.

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hajjaj bi yousaf was the uncle of Muhammad bin qasim.

Why did Caliph Salman bin Abdal Malik kill Muhammad bin Qasim?

Caliph Salman bin Abdal Malik killed Muhammad bin Qasim because he believed Qasim was a political enemy.

How old was Muhammad bin Qasim at death?

Muhammad bin Qasim died on July 18, 715 at the age of 19.

What is the name of Muhammad Bin Qasim's Mother?

Qasim bin Yusuf.

When Muhammad Bin Qasim conquered the Sindh during the period of?

Muhammad Bin Qasim Conquered the Sindh during the period of Abbasids.

Why did the Muhammad Bin Qasim attack Debal?

Muhammad Bin Qasim wanted to free his muslim brothers & sisters from the rule of the Indian King.