could go either way but probably tiger cause it was bigger.
tiger shark
a tiger would win
the great white shark will win
The tiger shark and easily too. They are much larger, heavier, and have more effective teeth
that depends if the fight was in the water the shark would have the advantage even though the tiger is a good swimmer the shark would probably surprise the tiger and bite it then drag it underwater if the bite didn't kill it it would probably drown. but if the fight was on land well it's pretty obvios who would win the tiger could just bite the shark and soo it would die or it would just die because it couldn't breathe. i hope this helped you out!
In the water a Tiger would have no chance against a 10 times as heavy shark but on land the tiger would win because a shark can't breath in air
I would probably say: 1.great white 2.bull shark 3.tiger shark 4.requim shark 5.sand tiger shark 6.blacktip shark 7.narrowtooth shark 8.hammerhead shark 9.spinner shark shark
The most commonly known "hammerhead" in nature would be the hammerhead shark.
A killer whale would win all the way. The biggest specie of hammerhead shark the great hammerhead can measure up to 6.1 metres where as an adult male killer whale can measure from 6-9.7 metres so killer whales are usually bigger and packed with muscle. As well as this a killer whales are faster with a top speed of 35 mph whereas a hammerhead can swim at about 25mph also the killer whale can put a hammerhead shark into tonic immobility.
Neither. They've probably never seen eachother.