Ali ibne Talib was Fatima's Husband.
Her sons were:-
1 Hasan
2 Hussain
Hazrat Hassan RA and Hazrat Hussein RA are Maternal grandsons of the Prophet Muhammad(saww). Hazrat Hassan (RA) and Hazrat Hussain (RA) were the most favorite and dearest grandsons of the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). They were the sons of Hazrat Ali (RA) and Hazrat Fatima (RA), the dearest daughter of the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). They are the Kings of the Youth in the Paradise. All the Muslims, belonging to any sect, love these two Princes.
from his first wife the saint Fatima S.A. the daughter of prophet Muhammad PBUH he had Hassan S.A. and Hussain S.A. and Muhsin S.A. who was martyred before birth at attack of Umar to her home when saint Fatima S.A. was pregnant. after her martyrdom at age 18 Imam Ali as married 3 other wives at different times and had 8 or 9 sons from them
Ali was the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad. He was married to Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad, and they had two sons: Hasan and Husayn. Ali was also a close companion of Muhammad and played a significant role in the early Islamic community.
Some say 4 daughters & 2 sons. But we know he had atleast 2 sons, named Qasim and Abdullah, and 1 daughter named Fatima. The other children are contested by many Muslims and scholars on both sides.
Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) had two sons, not daughters. Their names were Ephraim and Manasseh.
The prophet name is Muhammad the son of Abdullah the son of Abd AlMuttaleb & the family name is Aal Hashim ( i.e. the sons of Hashim,the name of the grandfather of the family).
He had four daughters and two sons, all from his wife Khadija (May Allah Be Pleased With Her) except a son from Maria (May Allah Be Pleased With Her). Both the sons died in infancy while there is a dispute about a third son that was still-born by Ayesha (May Allah Be Pleased With Her). Of the daughters, three reached maturity. Two of them were married to Usman bin Affan, one after the another ( The first one died at the eve of battle of badr). The most beloved daughter, Fatima, was married to Ali bin AbiTalib and she survived the holy prophet. She was the first one from amongst the family of holy prophet to die after the demise of holy prophet.Holy Prophet Muhammed (P.B.U.H) had 4 daughters and 3 sons.All the 4 daughters and 2 of the sons were from Hazrat Khadija ( may Allah be pleased with her).1 of the sons was from Hazrat Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her).
It depends whom you ask. Some say Muhammad(pbuh) had six children two sons and four daughters. But we know he had at least 2 sons, Qasim, and Abdullah, and Bibi Fatima as a daughter. A few of the other daughters mentioned above are disputed by different sects and scholars.
This particular phrase does not exist in the Qur'an, but there are several phrases discussing love and acceptance of those whose opinions differ from yours. Islam has also Hadith (sayings of the fourteen infallibles specially prophet Muhammad SAWW). There are many hadith in this regard. for example Hasan a.s. and Hussain a.s. saw their mother (Fatima a.s. the holy daughter of prophet SAWW) was doing dua for her neighbors. when her sons asked him why you do not make dua for yoursef? she replied: neighbor, then home.
Yeah, Prophet of Islam Muhammad (SAW) did have sons but those sons died in early childhood and thus Prophet (SAW) are not the father of any Adult Man because He is the last Prophet of ALLAH and as he has no successor therefore, he had no sons which could be his successor. According to the most correct opinion, he had seven children, three boys and four girls. The boys were: 1- al-Qaasim 2- 'Abd-Allaah 3- Ibraaheem And The girls were: 1- Zaynab 2- Ruqayyah 3- Umm Kulthoom 4- Faatimah All of his children died during his lifetime, apart from Faatimah who died after him (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).
from hazrat khadija he had 4 daughters and 2 sonshazrat zainabhazrat fatimahazrat umm kulsoomhazrat rukayahhazrat tahirhazrat qasimand from hazrat maria he had 1 sonhazrat ibrahim4 daughters namely fatima, zaineb, ruqqia, umm-e-kulsoom (may Allah be pleased with all of them) and 3 boys who died in their early ages namely qasim, ibraheem, abd-ul-Allah6 children Fatema, Ruqaya, Um Kulthoom, Zayneb, Ibraheem, and Al-Qasim
Yes, Ismail had children. We know he had children because Ismail's later descendants from these children, who came to be the northern Arabs, included Prophet Muhammad (S) and his family. Muslims believe that Muhammad is the great nation in which God promised Ismail in the Book of Genesis, where it says: "And as for Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him; I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of 12 rulers, and I will make them into a great nation." (Genesis 17:20)