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a servant who worked for Pip

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Q: Who was the Avenger also known as Pepper?
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Who is pepper in Great Expectations?

Pepper is a dog owned by Wemmick, a character in Charles Dickens' novel "Great Expectations." Wemmick is Mr. Jaggers' clerk, and Pepper becomes a loyal companion to Pip, the protagonist. Pepper is known for his agility and playfulness, and he brings a sense of warmth to the otherwise stern environment of Jaggers' office.

What pepper is similar to the poblano pepper?

The pablano pepper tastes much like any other pepper and has a savory yet vibrant taste. The pablano is also known for adding a kick to many different entrees.

What is Long Pepper in Tamil?

Long Pepper in Tamil is known as "Thippili."

What is the national bird of Liberia?

The Pepper-bird, also known as the Garden Bulbul is the national bird of Liberia.

What does the world nemisis come from?

do you mean the word?in greek mythology,Nemisis was the minor goddess of good and ill fortune,also known as the avenger,or revenger.

Which spice is known as yavanapriya?


What is a bhut jolokia pepper?

It is one of the hottest peppers in the world, also known as a ghost pepper. (It rates as 1,067,286 units on the Scoville scale. Now that's hot!) It originates from Bhutan.

What herb or spice begins with the letter 'X?

Xylopia aethiopica or Xylopia striata, also known as Sénégal Pepper, Negro Pepper, Grains of Selim, African Grains of Selim, Moor Pepper, Kili, Congo Pepper, Kani Pepper, Country Pepper, Selim Kili Pepper and Poivre de Sénégal) represents the fruit of

How much does an average capsicum weigh?

An average capsicum, also known as bell pepper, typically weighs around 150-200 grams. Sizes can vary slightly depending on the variety and ripeness of the pepper.

What is the spiciest (hottest) pepper?

The spiciest thing are chili peppers. These are most prominent in Mexico and in India. The hottest studied pepper is known as the Ghost pepper.

Where can I get a Breitling super avenger?

You can buy breitling super avenger online. Amazon and EBay both sell breitling super avenger. Other sites, such as, also sell this brand. It is more difficult to find in stores.

What elements are in red pepper?

Red pepper, also known as paprika, is primarily composed of capsaicin, which is responsible for its spicy taste. It also contains vitamins A and C, as well as other antioxidants such as beta-carotene. Additionally, red peppers are a good source of potassium and dietary fiber.