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Woodes Rogers

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Sir Woodes Rogers

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Q: Who was first royal governors of the Bahamas?
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When was the first meeting of the Bahamas Parliament?

The first Royal Governor Woodes Rogers started the first parliament in The Bahamas.

First hotel built in the Bahamas?

The Royal Victoria Hotel

What was the name of the first bahamian bank?

Royal bank of the Bahamas

What is the name of the people how have been Governors-Generals since The Bahamas became independent?

how many governors-generl have there been since the bahamas beacame independent

Who own the first commercial bank in the Bahamas?

Royal bank of Canada

Who owned the first commercial bank in the Bahamas?

Royal bank of canada

What prompted colonial assemblies to withhold royal governors salaries?

The appointment of unpopular or incompetent royal governors to colonies.

Which of these is an example of a check held by colonial legislatures over the royal governors?

Colonial legislatures controlled the income given to royal governors.

What is the name given to the first hotel to be built in The Bahamas?

the answer is the royal Victoria p.s. Nathan wert wrote this

What kind of military does the Bahamas have?

Just a navy which is called Royal Bahamas Defence Force

How many law enforcement agencies are there in the Bahamas?

There are (5) five law enforcement agencies in the Bahmas they are as followed Royal Bahamas Police Force, Royal Bahamas Defence Force, Prison, Immigration, and Customs

Who had final authority over the colonists?

Who had the final authority over the colonists, royal governors, colonial legislatures, citizens themselves, the English monarch