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Mack Culbertson

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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Melinda Banks Isom

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βˆ™ 1y ago
I do tooπŸ¦‹me and

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Q: Who sells nabisco's cookie break?
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A bakery sells a giant decorated cookie for birthdays. The area of the cookie is about 113 square inches. What is the circumference of the cookie rounded to the nearest inch?

38 in

What is a person who makes and sells cookies called?

Cookie monster

Are you able to purchase Cookie Break cookies anywhere?

No, Nabisco discontinued Cookie Break cookies.

Where sells cookie monster costumes?

There are numerous costume shops where one can try to find a cookie monster costume. Cookie monster costumes are also available for purchase on both the eBay and Amazon websites.

Are the cookie break cookies coming back?

Nabisco has made no comment on bringing back the Cookie Break Cookies. Nabisco said about the product: "There were not enough consumers buying the products to support its continued production."

If you eat a cookie does it die?

Most probably(but a cookie does not die) because the stomach contains acids and the break down the cookie into a liquid and after that your pancreas produces more enzymes and the cookie gets broken down even more.

What was Nabisco vanilla cookies called they no longer make?

Cookie break

What does the shop kooks unlimited sell?

Kooks Unlimited sells cooking and baking goods, notably cookie cutters.

Why did Nabisco discontinue the cookie break cookies?

The reason they were discontinued? Nabisco's Claim: "There were not enough consumers buying the products to support its continued production." Cookie Break and Golden Oreos are NOT the same cookie and have no similar taste. The taste of Cookie Break cannot be duplicated as any fan of the old cookie knows.

How do you make a cookie softer?

put it in the microwave If you mean how do you make a soft cookie, as opposed to a crispy cookie, the answer is to add more flour when you make the cookie dough. If you have more flour in the dough, it will be soft and chewy. If you have less flour and more butter/oil/fat of any kind, the cookie will be crispy and "snap" or break easily.

What will Cookie Monster do if someone tied him up so he wouldent get any cookies?

Cookie Monster would get mad, break free then he would try to take over the world.

Does the lg cookie break?

All phones break if you mistreat them, but apparently, the LG Cookie is quite a toughie because my friend's sister threw hers across the bedroom and it still worked; it didn't break. If you're looking to buy a new phone, buy the LG Cookie if you keep dropping things accidentally. Anyway, most phones come with either a free one-year guarantee or an extended guarantee (which you usually have to pay for).