"I think I could eat one of Bellamy's veal pies." - William Pitt the Younger's alleged famous last words on his deathbed in 1806.
Pie is said to be a magical treat, bu technically pie has no magical properties. Apple pies are said to be the most magical...
we could answer your question if you said "what do other people think about pandas?"
I think that he said, "have compassion towards other's suffering."
I think not any I think well it could be black or I think she has said red because she said in a interview but I can't really remember she said it at the time she had her red hair I really liked she needs to get the blonde away
Greyson said on an interview that he would rather date a fan I think. But he would date another famous person if he could I would think.
I think the quote is "by failing to plan, you're planning to fail" I could be wrong, and I think its by Abraham Lincoln, but I could be wrong. :]
Let's think about that question. You said all powerful and could do anything. Makes me think you could build the door.yeah but then u couldn't do anything so really u cant do everything
The person was thinking of algebra and a girl that had studied real hard but she failed!
I think "having said that" is a person speaking about themselves. That being said, is referring to someone else having said it, but the phrases can probably be interchanged.
No <- whoever said no didn't look into the issue, yes they do. Lmao what are you a pie specialist? No just someone who looked into the issue, as I cannot have pork. The use lard in all banquet pies, to include the fruit, or meat pies. I just had never heard of a pie with pork so I made a guess. I guess I should have researched, sorry for ruining this answer.
I think you can it said that you could and I can't find it I am sorry
I don't think there will be a Nascar 2011. Someone said it was in the works, but it could be a joke.