Bit-O-Honey was created in 1924.
Honey. Candied honey is the name given to honey when it becomes partly crystallised.
Bit o honey so delicious, Bit o honey so nutrious; So rich and chewy, sweeter than sweet, an apple smoothy, oh what a treet. Bit ohoney, at your candy store; Bit o honey, you'll ask for more. It's a honey, honey, honey of a candy bar; and only 5 cents .
Bit-O-Honey was first made in 1924 by the Schutter-Johnson Company in Chicago, Illinois.
at the store
The candy bar is called Bit-O-Honey candy bar.
definitely :P
Bit-O-Honey was first made in 1924 by the Schutter-Johnson Company in Chicago, Illinois.
Bit O' Honey
Bit o Honey, Zagnut, Payday, Salted Nut Bar.
Well Bit-O-Honey is delish delish and the calories doesn't matter because it's REDICULOUSLY AMAZING HOW DELISH DELISH IT IS!!! like i could eat like 50,0000 and I'd still be anerexic so probably like -12341443535 lbs