This flour is a premium grade Short Patent flour made with 100% Soft Red Winter wheat. It is great for cakes, pastries, and biscuits. There are very few mills remaining today making this type and quality of flour.
Sanford Milling Co. in Henderson, NC
Toll free phone - 866-438-4526
Contact - Scott Hartness
Superfine flour should not be used in place of bread flour. Bread flour is made from "hard" wheat that has been bred to have the high gluten content that makes proper bread.
Without flour (usually wheat) there would be no bread! Bread is made from flour. What makes a difference is the addition of yeast (balm) and warmth that causes the yeast to multiply and makes the dough rise and become lighter.
Flour - Makes white bread Wheat - Makes "wheat bread" and "whole wheat" if you use the entire grain Rye - Makes rye bread
Whole grains, as opposed to bleached flour.
There is no difference between "flour for making bread" and "flour to make bread." Both phrases refer to the same thing: bread flour.
She uses 1.15 kg of corn flour.
I need two cups of bread flour. I have ap flour and cream of tartar though. How do I make bread flour from what I have?
Standard-grade flour makes weaker dough and suitable for cakes and biscuits (contains approx. 10% protein); high-grade flour makes stronger dough and suitable for bread and general baking (contains approx 11% protein).
There is no bread without flour.
Plain flour has a lower gluten content than high grade or bread flour so is less suitable for bread. Some bread flours may also have additives to improve the bread texture or to quicken the bread making process.
It is not the bread that is refined but the flour that the bread is made with - thus a sourdough bread can be made with unrefined flour or refined flour.
The best type of flour to use for making banana bread is all-purpose flour, not bread flour. All-purpose flour is versatile and works well for most baking recipes, including banana bread. Bread flour has a higher protein content, which can result in a denser and chewier texture in banana bread.