

Who likes broccoli?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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Q: Who likes broccoli?
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Does Selena Gomez like broccoli?

I think she likes broccoli because she eats healthy food

What does adam lambert like to eat?

He likes it green: kale, broccoli and he loves spinage.

What are bad things about broccoli?

It gets stuck in your teeth a lot and it doesn't taste very nice also broccoli is a food that nobody likes so there's your awnser broccoli is s food that no-one enjoys hope it helps

Can you feed your cat a little piece of broccoli as she likes it for some reason?

You can, she will probably fart, but yes. Not too much.

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Of course Justin Bieber likes broccoli!!! A kid like him needs his veggies to perform on stage and have energy!!

Do horse's like broccoli?

While horses will generally taste anything offered to them you should avoid broccoli as it is bad for them and can cause digestive upsets.

Was Andrew Jackson wrong or right about removing the Indians and why?

He was right because he likes Maple Syrup with Cream Cheese on his Broccoli

Why is broccoli so disgusting?

Taste preferences are subjective, so some people may find broccoli unappetizing due to its bitterness and strong flavor. However, broccoli is a nutrient-dense vegetable that provides essential vitamins and minerals for good health. There are various ways to prepare broccoli that can help make it more palatable, such as roasting, steaming, or sautéing with seasonings or sauces.

Is broccoli man-made?

No. No man could ever be that cruel. Seriously, though, broccoli is not a human-designed plant species.

Does Justin Bieber like vegetables?

yes Justin bieber likes vegetablesYes especially broccoli corn and salad with tomatoes lettuce and cucumber.

Can guineapigs eat cauliflour?

depends if it likes it.i had guineas that eat broccoli etc.the one i have know likes stuff like watermelon,carrots,bananas and apples. so it depends on the lil dudes tastes.;)

What are the names of some dishes that use broccoli as an ingredient?

Some dishes that use broccoli as an ingredient are cheesy broccoli casserole, broccoli salad, cream of broccoli soup, beef and broccoli stir fry and broccoli cheese soup.