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No. The presence of a rooster will not effect the number of eggs a pullet will lay. She will lay fertile eggs with a rooster present but not more. This is often a question asked and a rooster does not effect rate of lay.

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15y ago
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12y ago

Some do. My rooster does lots of excited crowing when his favourite hen (who is also very noisy when she lays her egg) emerges from the laying box. The two of them together let the whole neighborhood know. He doesn't make such a fuss when the other hens lay and I don't think every rooster does this.

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16y ago

Really? The Hen wins hands down, no contest.

If you find a rooster who lays eggs then you've made a big error in gender identification.

Roosters are the male of the species and do not lay eggs.

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13y ago

None, roosters are boys, the hens lay the eggs!

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14y ago

Hen as the chances of a cockerel are 6.42/square root of 14 divided by the number of eggs laid by a cormorant last year.

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12y ago

Hen becuz roosters are boys and hens are girls

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Q: Who lays eggs hen or rooster?
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Does a rooster sit on the egg to fertilize?

No. The rooster has relations with the hen and she lays fertilized eggs

When a hen lays her eggs do you need to remove the rooster from the pen?

Ofcourse not.

Who lays the egg The chicken or the hen?

The hen lays the egg. The term "hen" refers to a female chicken, and it is the female that is responsible for laying eggs.

Why don't we see a chick in our eggs?

A hen only lays an egg with a chick inside if the egg has been fertilized by a rooster, otherwise it lays eggs without chicks.

How do roosters get the hen pregnant?

Roosters do not get hens pregnant. Hens lay eggs regardless of whether a rooster is present. A rooster's role is to fertilize the eggs after mating with a hen, resulting in fertile eggs that can develop into chicks if incubated.

Do Asian roosters lay eggs?

No possible rooster from any foreign country lays eggs a rooster is a male so it can only fertilize a hen for able to make an offspring

Can you keep a rooster with your hen's if you dont want chicks we collect the eggs everyday?

you can keep your hens with your roosters for it takes days for a hen to lay an egg, and if she lays it, it isn't everyday!

Does hen lays unfertilized eggs?


Is a rooster needed for a hen to lay eggs?


Do eggs from a hen that was with a rooster have cholesterol?

yea they do

Do you have to separate the rooster from the hen for gestaion?

If you are taking about the hen sitting on eggs then it will make things easy for you and the hen. you will have a better outcome if you move the hen or take the rooster out.

What are the chicks like from a banty hen and full size rooster?

Hello, The difference is that a chicken is a female hen and lays egg's and rooster is a male therefore he will fertilize the eggs. The the difference between normal chickens and bantam chickens is that they are much smaller nearly half the size of a average chicken. Hope this Helps,