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Note that antagonists are the one who gets into the way of the protagonist's goal. In this case, the young boy (the protagonist), wanted to be with Aida; and while 'being with Aida' was the goal, Aida was also the one who gets into the way of reaching the goal of the boy because whether or not the boy's goal will be reached, depends on her. And thus, Aida could be considered the antagonist.

On the other hand, social classes can also be considered as the antagonist because while the boy was trying to reach Aida, his social class and Aida's social class dictates that they couldn't be together.

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Q: Who is the antagonist in The Bread of Salt?
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The Bread of Salt is a story by NVM Gonzalez (1958). == ==

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Check the Link a low salt bread.

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No, bread typically does not naturally contain iodine. However, iodized salt may be used in the baking process, which can contribute to the iodine content in bread.

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You can bake bread with coarse sea salt. However, the crystals are large and may taste too strongly in the bread after it is baked.

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