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It is usually the lionesses, as a family group, that hunt in a pack.

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Q: Who hunts for Food males or females lions?
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What lion hunts for food?

The female lions hunt.

What lion hunts for food male or female?

Within the pride, the females do most of the hunting. However, males will occasionally help bring down larger prey. Solitary males will also hunt.

What do mosquitoes eat males and females?

they eat food

How do lions gather and store their food?

Lions gather food by hunting. The lion pride hunts together to kill its prey like zebra or buffalo. Lions do not store their food. Since their food is meat which can easily decompose, they usually eat as much as possible and then leave the carcass to the scavengers

Do female or male animals hunt for food?

The female lions do most most of the hunting. They get most of the food for themselves and the other lions in the pride. The males are the protectors of the pride. Their job is to keep the place where the pride lives safe from enemies.

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no. the males and females will alternate to collect food from the sea, but they will stay where the male or females could find them..

How does a Siberian tiger obtain its food?

Like any other tiger. It hunts it. But unlike lions and some cheetahs, they go solo.

What is the main food of the lions?

Lions are meat eaters. The females with hunt and bring down anything it can eat including people if they are hungry enough

Where do lions hunt for food?

Lions hunt in their prides, or groups. They stalk their prey while low to the ground. They like to hunt at night because the animals have a harder time seeing them, but lions actually see better at night. Lions hunt usually in their territory, where zebras and wildbeasts stay. The females hunt, while the males protect their territory. When lions hunt, the stay in the plains, practicly invisible, because of their camoflouged fur.

Are nurse bees females?

Yes. All worker bees are females. The males are the drones, and they do no work in the hive, nor do they forage for food.

What animal hunt lions?

Great White Sharks, Killer Whales

What is number of daily servings of fruit recommended by the food guide?

7 for females and 8 for males