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Muslims believe in all God prophets; that mentioned explicitly in Quran and who are not mentioned by name. 25 God prophets are mentioned by name in Quran, They are (ARABIC NAME - BIBLICAL NAME):







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  • Muslims have faith in Allah SWT, the one and only God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion and no resemblance.
  • They have faith in prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as God's prophet and messenger.
  • They have faith in all God prophets including Abraham, Noah, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace upon them all).
  • They believe in Allah's angels, books, prophets, heaven, hell, the scale, and the path.


The six fundamental principles of faith (Âmantu) are as follows:

Âmantu bi'llâhi WA malâ'ikatihî WA kutubihî WA rusulihî wal-yawm-il-âkhiri WA bil-qadari khairihî WA sharrihî minallâhi ta'âlâ walba'thu ba'd-al-mawt haqqun ash-hadu an lâ ilâha illallâh WA ash-hadu Anna Muhammadan 'abduhu WA Rasûluhu.

[That is, I believe in Allah, in His angels, in His books, in His prophets, in the Day of Resurrection and Judgement, and in qadar and that good (khair) and evil (sharr) are from Allah. I bear witness that there is no one but Allah worthy of worship and I bear witness that Muhammad ('alaihissalâm) is His human slave and His last Messenger.]

Belief in Allah

Having belief in Allahu ta'âlâ means accepting and believing with one's heart in His existence, His Oneness, His having no partner, His creating everything out of nothing, and there being no creator other than Allah. It means accepting and loving all of the rules of the religion which He has sent through the mediation of the Last Prophet Muhammad ('alaihissalâm) who came as rahmat-al-lil-'alamîn [mercy to the whole creation].

It is purported in an âyat-i karîma:

(Believe in Allah and His Messenger, the ummî Prophet.) [Sûrat al-A'râf 158]

Belief in His angels

Angels are nûrânî [luminous, spiritual] creatures. They are neither male nor female. We have to love their deeds; and we have to accept and confirm that they are all sinless and obedient.

It is purported in an âyat-i karîma:

(The real piety is to believe in Allah, in the Last Day, in His angels, in His books, and in His messengers.)[Sûrat-ul-Baqara 177]

Belief in His Books

You have to believe that the Zabûr, the Tawrât, the Injîl, the Qur'ân al-karîm, and all other Divine Books were sent down by Allahu ta'âlâ and that all of the Books are true. Belief in the Books means knowing, accepting, and confirming the fact that the Books before the Qur'ân al-karîm were defiled and changed by people and that they are no longer the word of Allah. It is necessary to believe that even if all of the Books sent down before the Qur'ân al-karîm were intact and unchanged, Allahu ta'âlâ invalidated them, that is, abolished the validity of them. An âyat purport:

(They believe in that which is revealed to you[Qur'ân al-karîm] and the Books which were revealed before you.) [Sûrat-ul-Baqara 4]

Belief in His prophets

You must accept and confirm that all prophets were selected by Allahu ta'âlâ, that they were all devoted, truthful, and that they did not commit any grave or venial sins. A person who does not certify and who belittles even one of them becomes a kâfir [disbeliever]. You must believe, accept and certify that the first prophet is Âdam ('alaihissalâm) and the last one is Muhammad ('alaihissalâm). You must put faith in this fact that our Master the Prophet communicated the rules of the religion completely and precisely, and you must accept and love all these commandments and prohibitions.

An âyat-i karîma purports:

(Those who believe in Allah and His messengers and do not make a distinction between any of them will have their rewards from Allah.) [Sûrat-un-Nisâ 152]

Belief in Qadâ' and Qadar

Having belief in qadâ' and qadar requires a person to believe that Allahu ta'âlâ has bestowed irâda-i juz'iyya [partial will] upon people, and that people make options using their partial will, and that all of their deeds are created by Allahu ta'âlâ in the end. The meaning of khair (good) and sharr (evil) is to know, to accept, to confirm and to esteem highly that all deeds are opted and willed by people, and that Allahu ta'âlâ creates them if He also wills.

It is purported in an âyat-i karîma:

(The command of Allah is a predestined qadar that will certainly take place.) [Sûrat-ul-Ahzâb 38]

Belief in the Last Day

Belief in the Last Day means believing, accepting and esteeming highly that people will be resurrected after the annihilation of everything; and after Judgement and Mîzân, Muslims will be awarded eternal Paradise and disbelievers will be in eternal Hell.

An âyat-i karîma purports:

(They [Muslims] believe in Yawm al-âkhir.) [Sûrat-ul-Baqara 4]

Belief in Kalima-i shahâdat has to be as follows:

I bear witness; that is, I know and utter as if I saw that there is no ilâh save Allah. Again, I bear witness; that is, I know and utter as if I saw that Muhammad ('alaihissalâm) is human slave, the Messenger and the Last Prophet of Allahu ta'âlâ.

Two âyat-i karîmas purport:

(Muhammad ('alaihis-salâm) is the Messenger of Allah and the last of the prophets.)[Sûrat-ul-Ahzâb 40]

(For those who believe in Allah and His Prophet, there are nûr and rewards with their Rabb.) [Sûrat-ul-Hadîd 19]

Basic Beliefs of the Muslims:

1. Belief in Almighty Allah (God) Sura Baqra -2. Aya 163: And your Allah is ONE Allah, There is no god but He.

2. Belief in Angels

3. Belief in all heavenly books, including Tora, Zaboor, The Bible, the last one being the Qur'an.

4. Belief in all the Messengers of Almighty Allah- No distinction among them. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) being the last Prophet of Islam. NO Prophet after him.

5. Belief in the Day of Judgment. Almighty Allah Karim is the Sole Ruler/Master of that Day. He enjoys the absoluute authority to send peole to Heaven or Hell.

6. Good and bad Destiny being in the Hands of Almighty Allah. No One can change his destiny.

7. Life hereafter

8. Hell and Heaven (Paradise)

These may be further elaborated in the light of the holy Qur'an and the Sahih Hadith.

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