

Who conquered the moors?

Updated: 11/8/2022
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14y ago

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The Spanish under Ferdinand and Isabella, let"s call him the right name Fernando Rey- Fernando-= the King! not the actor by that name. No Bull about it. Town of San Fernando almost certainly named after the Monarch and his name saint- like say Ekaterinberg in the USSR ( Catherine"s Town).

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In 710, the Moors conquered most of the Iberian Peninsula, which is modern-day Spain and Portugal. They built a powerful Muslim empire known as Al-Andalus that lasted for several centuries.

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The Muslim Moors

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The Moors were Muslims who conquered and ruled parts of present-day Spain and Portugal during the medieval period. They brought advancements in science, art, and architecture to the region, leaving a lasting impact on the culture and history of the Iberian Peninsula.

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The Moors were expelled from Spain in 1492 after the completion of the Reconquista, a centuries-long period in which Christian kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula conquered and retook territory from Muslim rulers.

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Spain was conquered my the Moors (also known as African Spaniards) who were North African Muslims. They ruled for over 700 years until they were driven out by Christian armies. Hope this helps! R. Rhodes

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The Amazigh people, often improperly called "Berbers" or "Moors" were the indigenous North African population who were conquered by the Arab Muslim armies and converted to Islam.

What parts of Europe did the moors conquer?

The Moors conquered parts of Spain and Portugal during the medieval period, establishing a Muslim presence in the Iberian Peninsula. Their rule lasted for several centuries in regions known as Al-Andalus before the Christian Reconquista gradually pushed them out.

Who are the decendants of Arabs and berbers in morocco who conquered much of Spain?

They are called the Moors and many moved back to Northern Africa after the Reconquista, but some remained in Spain.

What invaders conquered Spain 1300 years ago?

The answer is Muslim Moors For k12 people this is the answer for the 2 question quiz for the video on spain. Just the 2nd question.

Who conquered Spain in AD 700?

There were many leaders who helped defeat the Moors in Spain. The entire process took almost 700 years. However, the final defeat at the Battle of Grenada was accomplished by Queen Isabel of the Kingdom of Castilla and King Ferdinand of the Kingdom of Aragon. They were husband and wife and became the first rulers of a completely Moor free country that became Spain under their leadership.