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Killer whales are known to separate a calf from the pod, drown it, and eat it while it is sinking. Up to a quarter of the Blue whales identified at Baja bear scars from Orca. Oh- and humans, too.

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Q: Who are the predators of the blue whale?
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What Predators Eats Blue Whales?

The Blue Whale Is The Largest Animal Living In The World. Because Of This. The Adult Blue Whale Has Very Few Predators. Men, Blue Sharks, Great White Sharks And Orcas Are The Only Predators Of The Whale. Youngsters Are Much More Vunerable And Can Be More Easily Killed.

What are the blue whale's predators?

Me. Whoever wrote that answer ^^^^ is funny!

What are the blue ring octopus's predators?

the killer whale

What is a blue whale's prey or predator?

the blue whale doesn't have no predators unless a group of killer whales attack it

What eats the blue whale?

Killer whales.

How do whales warn predators?

It somewhat depends on the type of whale. The blue whale is very vicious and has practically zero predators. But, typically, most whale may creat wailing sounds to warn others of their presence.

How does a blue whale protect itslef from predators?

Adult blue whales have no natural predators. They are too big and too strong to be attacked and killed by any animal. However, Orca's (Killer Whales) are known to attack and kill youngsters. A group of Orca's can easily hunt a baby blue whale if its mother is not around. Otherwise, they have no natural predators

What is a whale predators?

Blue whales only preditor [other then humen] is a killer whale hope it helps

What are blue whale prey to?

I don't think that they do. If you are referring to within the animal kingdom, they are the largest animal so nothing can usually take them down. But if you mean people, I don't know that any culture normally does.

How does the blue whale use self defense?

A blue whale cannot fight back because it is not in it's nature to fight. The blue whale's shape allows it to swim away from any predators. A mother whales travel in groups with thier young. If an enemy attacks the baby whale. The mother whales will protect it.

Does a blue whale have a enemy?

Adult blue whales have no natural predators. They are too big and too strong to be attacked and killed by any animal. However, Orca's (Killer Whales) are known to attack and kill youngsters. A group of Orca's can easily hunt a baby blue whale if its mother is not around. Otherwise, they have no natural predators

Does the blue whale have eneimies?

No. Adult blue whales have no natural predators. They are too big and too strong to be attacked and killed by any animal. However, Orca's (Killer Whales) are known to attack and kill youngsters. A group of Orca's can easily hunt a baby blue whale if its mother is not around. Otherwise, they have no natural predators